World Export of Packaged Food & Beverage: the most dynamic sectors and markets in the first quarter of 2019

The first part of the year signals the continuation of a positive trend in the world exports of F&B (+3.7% Year-over-Year at constant prices)


Export Food&Beverage Check performance Conjuncture Agribusiness

In the first quarter of 2019, based on the estimates made by StudiaBo starting from the most recent data from customs sources1, world exports of Packaged Food and Beverage2 experienced a new increase (quantified at 3.7 percentage points in quantity, +7.7% in euro), touching a new point of absolute maximum in the seasonally adjusted quarterly values, as documented in the chart below, which was extracted from the Datamart available in the Analytics tool of ExportPlanning.

The sectors of Packaged Food and Beverage that made the greatest contributions to the growth of world exports were in order the following:

  • Meat and Fish (processed and packaged)3, thus reaching a new high in the seasonally adjusted quarterly values in euros (over 26 Bn €);
  • Confectionery4, bringing the seasonally adjusted quarterly level to exceed 10 billion euros for the second consecutive quarter;
  • Dairy Products5, touching on a quarterly basis the threshold of € 16 Bn at seasonally adjusted values;
  • Bottled Water and Soft Drinks6, thus exceeding 8 Bn euros in terms of quarterly seasonally/adjusted values.
World Exports of Pack'd Food & Beverage:
the most dynamic sectors in the first quarter of 2019

(seasonally adjusted values, Bn €)
Meat and Fish (processed and packaged) Confectionery
World Exports of Meat and Fish (processed and packaged): seasonally adjusted values, Bn € World Exports of Confectionery: seasonally adjusted values, Bn €
Dairy Products Bottled Water and Soft Drinks
World Exports of Dairy Products: seasonally adjusted values, Bn € World Exports of Bottled Water and Soft Drinks: seasonally adjusted values, Bn €

As regards driving markets, the following significant performances should be noted in terms of contributions to the growth of the world exports of Packaged Food and Beverage:

  • as for Meat and Fish (processed and packaged), the growth performance of world exports to Japan (see the chart below) and United States (with, in both cases, new highs in seasonally adjusted quarterly values) and Russia (confirming a recovery but still below values for 2013);
  • as for Dairy Products, the tendential increases in sales towards the Chinese market (on an absolute maximum level at quarterly level, as you can see in the chart below), and to Russia (recovering from the low levels at the end of 2017, but still far from the highs of the first part of the decade) and the United States;
  • in the Confectionery sector, there was the consolidation of the recovery phase of the Russian market, even if on values still below the first part of the decade;
  • to be reported, in addition, the favorable performance of the US market for world exports regarding Cookies and other baked goods7 (confirming top values: see the chart), Vegetables and fruits (processed and packaged)8 and Oil, condiments and spices9 (which recorded in the first quarter of the year a new high point in seasonally adjusted values; see the chart).
World Exports of Pack'd Food & Beverage:
the most dynamic markets in the first quarter of 2019

(seasonally adjusted values, Bn €)
Meat and Fish
(processed and packaged)
Dairy Products
World Exports to Japan of Meat and Fish (processed and packaged): seasonally adjusted values, Bn € World Exports to China of Dairy Products: seasonally adjusted values, Bn €
Cookies and other baked goods
Oil, condiments and spices
(mio €)
World Exports to USA of Cookies and other baked goods: seasonally adjusted values, Bn € World Exports to USA of Oil, condiments and spices: seasonally adjusted values, Mio €

Within a positive performance Year-over-Year of the EU exports of Packaged Food and Beverage (+4.7% in euro, +1.4% at constant prices in the first quarter of 2019), with a new peak in the seasonally adjusted values, it is worth mentioning the confirmation of Italian exports' growth (+7.2% at current prices, +4.1% at constant prices).

1) StudiaBo's calculations refer to a sample of about 70 reporting countries, representing over 80% of the total global flows. For a description of the methodology used, please refer to the methodological note .
2) For a description of the different sectors included in the analysis, see the following classification table.
3) For a description of the various product categories included in the sector examined, see the relative classification table.
4) For a description of the various product categories included in the sector examined, see the relative classification table.
5) For a description of the various product categories included in the sector examined, see the relative classification table.
6) For a description of the various product categories included in the sector examined, see the relative classification table.
7) For a description of the various product categories included in the sector examined, see the relative classification table.
8) For a description of the various product categories included in the sector examined, see the relative classification table.
9) For a description of the various product categories included in the sector examined, see the relative classification table.