Pharma: New Peak for International Trade (and Italian Exports) in Q1-2019
Leading markets for Pharma products include China, due to its aging population and per capita income growth.
Published by Marcello Antonioni. .
Health products Export Regional export Asia Europe Made in Italy Conjuncture Foreign markets Data visualization Global economic trendsFavorable dynamics of international trade in Pharmaceutical products have been continuing ...
World trade in Pharma products1 continues to show a very positive trend. In the first quarter of this year, worldwide sales2 showed a fresh increase (close to double digits), in the seasonally adjusted euro values (+9.2% year-over-year), and reached a new record high (see Figure 1).
In the same period, Italian pharmaceutical exports3 also showed accelerated growth (+16.3% in nominal values compared to the corresponding quarter of 2018, at +9.3% in seasonally adjusted values), and recording a historic maximum.
Fig. 1 - PHARMA: evolution of world trade
in seasonally-adjusted values (euro)

Source: ExportPlanning -MarketBarometer
.. with a leading role of the Chinese market.
Fig. 2 - PHARMA: Chinese imports
at seasonally-adjusted values (euro)

Source: ExportPlanning - MarketBarometer
As shown in Figure 2, sales of pharmaceuticals to China have now registered strong growth for several quarters, thus confirming the opportunities in a market that combines the emergence of a more affluent population with an increasingly aging demography.
1) For a description of the various product categories within in the sector under analysis, see the related
classification table.
2) Trends refer to StudiaBo calculations that considered a sample of about 70 reporting countries, representing over 80% of the total global flows.
3) As regards Italian exports, Switzerland, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, the United States and - last but not least - China are the leading markets. For more information, please refer to Exportpedia section.