Strong growth for Italian Agribusiness Exports in H1-2019

Positive performances for several sectors, territories and target markets


Regional export Food&Beverage Conjuncture Foreign markets Data visualization Made in Italy Agribusiness

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Italian Exports of the Agribusiness industry confirmed favorable performances in the first half of 2019 (+7% increase Y-o-Y in Euro). The result is much more dynamic than the Italian manufacturing industry as a whole (+3% Y-o-Y increase in Euro).

AGRIBUSINESS: Italian Exports by destination Markets and Sectors in H1-2019
Y-o-Y growth

AGRIBUSINESS: Italian Exports  Y-o-Y growth
Source: ExportPlanning - Exportpedia
The size of the rectangles is proportional to the value of exports.

Wine and beverages, Chocolate and sweets
are the most dynamic sectors in H1-2019

As reported in the Exportpedia section of our platform - which focuses on the performances of Italian Exports by provinces, sectors and destination markets - in the first half of 2019 the most dynamic sectors were the following:

  1. Wine and other beverages (+11.5% compared to the same period of 2018, equal to +€240m), thanks to favorable trends on most European markets - above all Germany (+12.2% y-o-y), United Kingdom (+11.3%), France (+18.8%) and Belgium (+27.3%) - but also in the United States (with a year-over-year increase of about €30m, for a total value of more than €1bn) and Japan (+15.6% y-o-y);
  2. Chocolate and Sweets (+10.7% compared to the first half of 2018), thanks to the growth recorded on the following international markets: France (+20.3% y-o-y), Austria and - among non-European destinations - Israel (+48.4%), Saudi Arabia (+47.2%) and the United Arab Emirates (+23.7%).

It is also worth noting the Italian exports growth of Dairy products (+ 9.9% compared to the same period of 2018), Pasta, Biscuits and other oven goods (+ 9.2% y-o-y), Condiments and Ready Meals (+8% y-o-y) and Other Products (+25.6% y-o-y, thanks to the significant growth in sales of Tobacco1).

1. As already written in a previous article ("Export Performances of Italian provinces in Q2-2019"), the performance is attributable to the presence of the Philip Morris International center of excellence in the province of Bologna.