Healthcare: the new record of the US Market in Q3-2019

Cumulative y/y growth of +12.7 billion dollars, with a relevant role of European sales.


United States of America Health products Foreign markets Conjuncture Foreign market analysis

In the third quarter of 2019 US Imports of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Products1 confirmed on record values ($ 46 billion in quarterly levels), with a cumulative year-over-year increase of $ 12.7 billion (equivalent to +17.7 billion euros), as shown by StudiaBo pre-estimates based on the lastest U.S. Census Bureau statistics.
Both the values expressed in dollars and in euros show double-digit growth rates in the first nine months of the year for US Health System imports (+ 10.5% and + 17.5% respectively).

In particular, the information obtained from the customs declarations of US companies, accessible through the ExportPlanning Analytics2, indicate the achievement - in the last 4 quarters - of a new maximum point ($ 178 billion), which is $ 82 billion higher than the annual values at the beginning of the decade3.

In 2019 2/3 of US Healthcare Imports
are from European companies

The ranking of the main partner countries of the US Healthcare market confirms - in the first 9 months of the year - the leadership of Ireland, Germany and Switzerland, with shares of 17.9%, 13.5% and 9.9% respectively.
In addition, we note the further gains in shares of Italian sales, which reached 4.7% in 2019 (compared with an average of 3.6% reached in 2018).
As a whole, European sales of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Products to the US market have reached a record share of 66% of total imports (2 points higher than in 2018), thus confirming their leading role in an high-tech industry.

1 The industry analyzed in this article groups the following sectors: Drugs, medicaments, Syringes, prostheses and other products for healthcare, Medical and dental instruments and equipment, Electro-medical equipment, Microscopes. See the list in the following industry's description
2. Data and graphics mentioned in this article are accessible, for registered users, through the US Datamart in the ExportPlanning's Analytics Tool.
3. A brief overview of the opportunities related to the US Healthcare market is contains in a recent article ("US Healthcare Market: Opportunities and Challenges for International SMEs").