The New Access2markets Portal: Information Support on Market Accessibility for Companies Exporting in the EU


Europe Export markets Internationalisation Market Accessibility

On last 13 October, the DG Trade of the European Commission launched the Access2Markets online portal, created with the purpose of simplifying access to relevant information. The tool is multidimensional, easy to use and multilingual, containing practical information, insights and guidelines for all companies engaged in international trade, both for intra-EU and import-export activities.

Access2Markets responds to the different requests sent to the European Commission by various stakeholders to shed light on trade agreements. In addition, the new portal provides assistance to companies on customs duties and excise duties for their products. The portal provides substantial support to companies that already operate internationally and to those that are starting to explore new opportunities on foreign markets. In particular, it appears to be extremely useful for SMEs (Small/Medium-sized Enterprise), which do not always have the necessary means to compete internationally or are not fully aware of the commercial opportunities offered by the EU.

Market Accessibility: Existing databases

The new system combines the potential of two existing databases (Market Access Database1 and EU Trade Helpdesk) in a single multipurpose portal. Thanks to this new tool, it is possible to search information both by product and by country, helping companies to obtain information as quickly as possible.

Through a very intuitive display, users only need to go to the “My Trade Assistant” section and enter the type of product, the country of origin and the country of destination. With this portal, the European Commission simplified access to information on international trade accessibility and made effective and clear updates available.

Access2Markets: Search examples

Access2Market | My Trade Assistant

Access2Market | Search example

Administrative information

The portal splits complex regulations into practical information that incorporates all the European agreements in force with 70 different countries and regions, dealing with:
  • Duties
  • Taxes at national and regional level
  • Rules of Origin - including a self-assessment tool called ROSA
  • Product requirements (e.g. labeling)
  • Customs procedures and formalities
  • VAT/excise/taxes
  • Tariff barriers
  • Quotas for certain goods/countries

Access2Markets: Search examples

Access2Market | Example of search result Access2Market | Example of search result

In addition to individual specifications for certain countries and products, Access2Markets also provides:
  • Guides for import/export of goods and services
  • A tool that help establish the origin of the product
  • Targeted explanations on correct commercial terminology
  • Examples of how some tariffs will disappear over time
Access2Markets therefore represents a complete tool, but at the same time it is easy to use, suitable for small and medium-sized enterprises that need information in a clear and precise way.
Valeria Minasi

is an export and internationalization consultant. She collaborates with the ExportPlanning team within the project International Market Accessibility Help-Desk.

1) See the related ExportPlanning Introductory Guide in the INTERNATIONAL MARKET ACCESSIBILITY (IMA) section.