EU Exports of Machinery to the US: 2020 Trade Figures

Preliminary trade data for 2020 highlight the significant downturn (-24.2% in EUR) of the main destination market of EU companies in the sector


Industrial equipment Conjuncture Check performance United States of America Global economic trends

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Foreign trade data for the last quarter of 2020 for the United States - the leading destination market for EU sales of Machinery1 (with €13.3 billion in 2019) - document a further (albeit slight) cyclical recovery of European exports (in EUR), which, however, remain well below 2019 values (-21% YoY).

On an annual basis, European exports of Industrial Machinery and Equipment to the US market closed out 2020 with a year-over-year drop of 24.2% in EUR (-22.7% in USD).

Machine tools for metals, hard material processing machines and textile machines were the most penalized sectors in 2020

The instrumental mechanics sectors most adversely affected by the US market crisis include machine tools for metals2 (with a -47% drop in imports from the EU in 2020), hard material processing machines3 (-32. 4%) and the textile machinery4 (-30.8%).

Intense, albeit relatively smaller, declines also marked European sales of papermaking machinery5 (20.4% fall in US imports from the EU in 2020), metal processing machinery6 (-16.8%) and food machinery7 (-11.8%, breaking a prolonged growth phase).

US imports from the EU: % changes in EUR
US imports from EU: Year-Over-Year % changes at EUR values US imports from EU: Year-Over-Year % changes at EUR values
US imports from EU: Year-Over-Year % changes at EUR values US imports from EU: Year-Over-Year % changes at EUR values
US imports from EU: Year-Over-Year % changes at EUR values US imports from EU: Year-Over-Year % changes at EUR values
US imports from EU: Year-Over-Year % changes at EUR values US imports from EU: Year-Over-Year % changes at EUR values
Source: - MarketResearch - Analytics tool, US Trade datamart

European sales of extrusion machinery held relatively steady; positive performance for packaging machinery

In a context of overall unfavorable demand, the year-end performance of European sales of extrusion machines8 (-4.6% in EUR compared to 2019) should be noted. Last but not least, the positive counter-trend result of the demand from the EU of packaging machinery9 (+7.1% in 2020) should be noted, continuing the growth path that has characterized the US market in the last decade.

1) See the list of sectors considered in the related description.
2) See the list of products considered in the related description.
3) See the list of products considered in the related description.
4) See the list of products considered in the related description.
5) See the list of products considered in the related description.
6) See the list of products considered in the related description.
7) See the list of products considered in the related description.
8) See the list of products considered in the related description.
9) See the list of products considered in the related description.