EU exports 2023 by industry: in a context of general slowdown, the automotive supply chain has been a driving force
In H2-2023 a significant deceleration of EU exports in all industries, but with double-digit % growth results for vehicles and their components
Published by Marzia Moccia. .
Export Europe Conjuncture Slowdown Industries Global economic trendsPre-estimates for the 4th quarter of 2023 of foreign trade of EU countries, available in the ExportPlanning Information System, allow to document the pre-final balance sheet results for the year for the export of EU companies at a product level (industry/sector/product/8-digit customs code).
This article will present an analysis of European exports by industry.
A significant slowdown in EU exports occurred
in the second half of 2023
During the second part of 2023, EU exports showed a significant slowdown: as documented by the graph below, since Q2-2023 the growth rate of exports of EU companies entered negative territory in nominal values in euros.

Source: ExportPlanning - EU Trade Datamart
The slowdown in EU exports which occurred in the second half of 2023 affected the various industries
in a generalized manner
The following bubble map shows the different industries of the ExportPlanning1 classification, positioning them on the basis of the Year-over-Year change rates of EU exports in values in euros recorded in the first half of 2023 (X axis) and in the second half of 2023 (Y axis). The size of the bubbles is proportional to the value of EU exports for each industry.
The bisector is drawn in yellow, which allows us to highlight the industries (positioned below it) that recorded a deceleration in the rates of change in EU exports in the second half of 2023 compared to the first half.
As can be seen, the sectoral picture appears compact, with all industries recording a deceleration in the growth rate of EU exports in the second half of the year.
Map of EU Exports by industry in 2023
By hovering the mouse over the circle identifying an industry, a table can be displayed that summarizes the
annual value and six-month change data for EU exports of the selected industry
Source: ExportPlanning - EU Trade Datamart
Although the slowdown in EU sales which occurred in the second half of 2023 appears to be widespread across all industries, the intensity with which it manifested itself appears to be differentiated in sectoral terms.
EU exports 2023: the driving industries
In particular, 2023 EU exports highlight the best performance overall in euro values for:
- F3-Cars, transport and agricultural equipment2 (+16.8% compared to 2022, albeit with an undoubted slowdown: from +26.5% trend in the first half to +8.3% in the second);
- D3-Components for vehicles3 (+12.6% on average for the year, but of a +19.1 percent trend in the 1st half-year and a +6.1 percent in the 2nd);
- F4-Machinery4 (+10.7% on average in 2023, which reflects the + 14.5% in the first semester and +7.6% in the most recent semester);
- D4-Electrotechnical industry5 (+9% overall 2023), indeed penalized by a second half of strong slowdown (+2.1%), after a first half year trend growth of +16.4%;
- E0-Packaged Food and Beverage6 (+6.4% overall), also penalized in this case from the strong slowdown in the second half of the year (+1.4%) after a first half year with trend growth of +11.9 percent.
EU exports 2023: the slowing down industries
The industries most penalized during 2023, measured in terms of exports of EU companies, can be traced back - due to a reduction in prices and, consequently, a general process of stock depletion - to the sectors raw materials and intermediate goods and components.
In particular, EU exports of Natural Raw Materials7 (A1) recorded an overall decline by 17.2 percentage points in euro values compared to 2022 (with a trend drop in the second half of approximately 26 percentage points); similarly, EU exports of Industrial Raw Materials8 (A2) marked an average annual reduction of - 17.3 percent.
As regards, however, intermediate goods and components, there are widespread declines in 2023 EU exports in euro values; in particular for:
- B3-Pulp and Paper and Forest products9 (-16.4% compared to 2022), which reflects a first half of the year already in negative territory (-13.7% trend) and a subsequent worsening in the most recent half-year (-19.2%);
- B5-Fine Chemicals and Specialties10 (-5.8% on average per year), with two both semesters negative in trend terms, but with the second significantly worsening (-9.4%);
- C1-Building materials and products11 (-4.7% compared to 2022);
- D1-Electronic parts12 (-3.1%), heavily penalized from the second half of the year (-10.9), after a first half of trend growth;
- B2-Fabrics and leather13 (-3.1%), with a worsening in the second half of the year (-5.8% trend) after the stability of the first part of the year.
Despite a context of general worsening in the most recent period, the relative dispersion of sectoral trends suggests that exporting companies have to constantly monitor the situation of the markets of interest for their business area.
Thanks to the series of new services, named Market Insights, ExportPlanning can support the market monitoring of exporting companies, providing updated information in real time on the evolution of the markets of interest for a specific business area.

1) The industry level (UL20) corresponds to the highest level of aggregation of customs codes in the ExportPlanning Products Classification. The analysis by industry allows to document market trends at an initial macro-sector level. In the ExportPlanning Information System it is possible to detail the analysis at the UL200 (220 sectors), UL3000 (over 3000 products) and CN8 (over 9000 Combined Nomenclature codes) levels.
2) For a list of the sectors included in this industry, please refer to the relevant industry description.
3) For a list of the sectors included in this industry, please refer to the relevant industry description.
4) For a list of the sectors included in this industry, please refer to the relevant industry description.
5) For a list of the sectors included in this industry, please refer to the relevant industry description.
6) For a list of the sectors included in this industry, please refer to the relevant industry description.
7) For a list of the sectors included in this industry, please refer to the relevant industry description.
8) For a list of the sectors included in this industry, please refer to the relevant industry description.
9) For a list of the sectors included in this industry, please refer to the relevant industry description.
10) For a list of the sectors included in this industry, please refer to the relevant industry description.
11) For a list of the sectors included in this industry, please refer to the relevant industry description.
12) For a list of the sectors included in this industry, please refer to the relevant industry description.
13) For a list of the sectors included in this industry, please refer to the relevant industry description.