Eye Makeup Products: Analysis of Sales in Emerging Markets

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In recent years, the emerging markets of India and Turkey have experienced significant growth in the import of eye makeup products. This evolution reflects the growing interest of local consumers in the cosmetics sector, driven by the expansion of the middle class and increasing attention to wellness and beauty. The data available on the ExportPlanning platform offer a detailed overview of these dynamics, enabling companies to identify strategic opportunities in rapidly growing markets.

In India, import volumes have grown from negligible levels in the early 2000s to over 40 million USD in 2024, with particularly strong growth over the past decade. This expansion highlights how the Indian market has become a key point of interest for exporters of cosmetic products.
Similarly, Turkey has shown a comparable trend: the value of imports has steadily increased, exceeding 70 million USD in 2022, with a slight decline in 2024, which does not, however, undermine the resilience of the local market. Turkish consumers demonstrate a strong preference for quality products and a growing interest in international brands.
The insights contained in the "Market Trends" report by ExportPlanning (part of the Market Insights services series) highlight the main players in these markets.

Source: ExportPlanning

As noted in the table related to Indian imports, China remains the undisputed market leader, holding a market share of nearly 45% in 2024, followed by Germany at 15%. However, new players are emerging, such as Italy, which recorded an impressive 92% growth compared to 2023, capturing a significant share of the Indian market. France and South Korea also show positive trends, thanks to their ability to cater to local preferences.

Source: ExportPlanning

Regarding the Turkish market, Germany and Italy dominate the scene, with a combined market share approaching 50% in 2024. Italy, in particular, continues to grow (+6.7% in 2024), affirming itself as a preferred partner for Turkish consumers thanks to the reputation of its products for quality and innovation, in contrast to a slight decline for Germany. Signs of contraction also come from exporters like China, which saw a 22.2% drop compared to 2023, leaving room for new players.


This information, derived from ExportPlanning data, not only provides a clear overview of market trends but also represents an indispensable tool for companies aiming to develop successful strategies in foreign markets. The ability to analyze trade flows, identify opportunities in growing markets, and monitor the performance of competitor countries offers strategic support for exporters' decision-making processes, enabling informed and targeted decisions.

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