There are 247 Articles in this section

Subsidies and environmental challenges: European tariffs on Chinese EVs

Published by Simone Zambelli. .

Europe Automotive Import Foreign market analysis

Chinese subsidies and environmental challenges: The impact on the European electric car market [ Read all ]

The European exporting Firms in the Food sector

Published by Silvia Brianese. .

Export Foreign markets Foreign market analysis

An analysis of the export propensity of major European exporting countries [ Read all ]

Exporting companies in Europe: a comparative analysis

Published by Silvia Brianese. .

Export Foreign markets Foreign market analysis

Analysis of the number and share of foreign turnover of European companies as determinants of a country's export propensity [ Read all ]

Top-5 driving markets of manufactured goods in 2023

Published by Marcello Antonioni. .

Conjuncture Export Export markets Foreign markets Foreign market analysis

Turkey, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Poland, United Arab Emirates are the main markets for 2023 increases in global sales (thanks above all to the excellent results of the automotive supply chain) [ Read all ]

CEE Countries in the European Single Market

Published by Raffaella Intinghero. .

Europe Foreign markets Foreign market analysis

“International trade theory is nothing other than a science of international location” [ Read all ]

The slowdown of the German economy

Published by Marzia Moccia. .

Slowdown Foreign markets Foreign market analysis

Despite weak demand, green transition supports import growth [ Read all ]

The Dragon's slowdown: industry-by-industry analysis of Chinese imports

Published by Simone Zambelli. .

Slowdown Asia Foreign markets Foreign market analysis

Data for the first nine months of the new year signal how the Dragon's recovery is still trudging along [ Read all ]

The dragon's slowdown and the implications for EU exports

Published by Simone Zambelli. .

Slowdown Asia Importexport Foreign market analysis

Has the golden age of Chinese growth come to an end? What implications for major European exporters? [ Read all ]

Green Transition drives Global sales of Switchboards

Published by Marcello Antonioni. .

Slowdown Planning Conjuncture Export markets Foreign markets Uncertainty International marketing High-tech Foreign market analysis

The excellent performance of global exports of switchboards: which are the most driving international markets in 2023? Which are the best performing competitor countries? [ Read all ]

Conjuncture Markets: the case of sofa and armchair sales in Vietnam

Published by Simone Zambelli. .

Home items Emerging markets Foreign markets Foreign market analysis

ExportPlanning offers customized tools to perform in-depth analysis of "real-time" trends in foreign markets of interest [ Read all ]