There are 453 Articles in this section

Large Changes in the World Demand Structure

Published by Luigi Bidoia. .

Covid-19 Great Lockdown Global demand Global economic trends

In the current health and economic crisis, the collapse in aggregate demand adds up to the change in its structure [ Read all ]

World Trade: Covid-19 effect on International Trade Areas

Published by Marzia Moccia. .

Covid-19 Conjuncture Global demand Foreign markets Uncertainty Global economic trends

In the period April-May, the main importing countries recorded falls between 20% and 30% in euro; greater resilience for South-East Asia [ Read all ]

World Trade: the Decline observed in April continues in May

Published by Giulio Grisanti. .

Covid-19 Conjuncture Global demand Uncertainty Global economic trends

Both April and May data confim a 20% world trade fall [ Read all ]

HORECA products: Monthly Trade Figures

Published by Giulio Corazza. .

Food&Beverage Conjuncture Consumption pattern Global economic trends

April 2020, - 18% fall in world import of HORECA products [ Read all ]

H1-2020: Covid-19 effect on EU exports

Published by Marzia Moccia. .

Covid-19 Europe Conjuncture Global economic trends

The analysis of the H1-2020 trade data reveals a complex economic picture for European exports [ Read all ]

European Machinery Industry: Export Trends in H1-2020

Published by Marcello Antonioni. .

Covid-19 Europe Industrial equipment Conjuncture Check performance Export Global economic trends

Strongly penalized in Q2 (-21% YoY, equal to -€5.7 billion), in H1-2020 EU machinery exports fell by 16%. [ Read all ]

Italian footwear in the cyclone

Published by Luigi Bidoia. .

Covid-19 Fashion Made in Italy Global economic trends

April 2020, Italian exports: -76%. The factors behind the collapse. [ Read all ]

Agricultural Machinery: latest International Trade Figures

Published by Marzia Moccia. .

Conjuncture Global demand United States of America Uncertainty Global economic trends

World demand showed signs of a downturn since the early months of the new year until it fell sharply in April. What is the performance for the top importing markets? [ Read all ]

High differences in foreign trade sectoral collapses

Published by Giulio Corazza. .

Automotive Global demand Uncertainty Global economic trends

2020 world trade fall may be close to the collapse recorded during the Great Recession, but with greater sectoral dispersion [ Read all ]

World Economic Outlook Update - June 2020

Published by Marzia Moccia. .

Covid-19 Conjuncture Foreign markets Uncertainty IMF Global economic trends

The international economic outlook is worsening, with sharp downward revisions in reall GDP growth forecasts for Eurozone and Latin America [ Read all ]