There are 453 Articles in this section

Opportunities for Italian Exports: the China-US Challenge

Published by Marzia Moccia. .

Asia United States of America Foreign markets Uncertainty Made in Italy Trade war Global economic trends

In an international arena characterised by US-China vis-à-vis, what dynamics are characterising Italian exports to the two markets? [ Read all ]

Fashion industry: an assessment of world sales in the first half of 2023

Published by Marcello Antonioni. .

Slowdown Fashion Conjuncture Check performance Export markets Uncertainty Global economic trends

Despite the economic slowdown, the majority of international markets still show positive dynamics in the sales of fashion products [ Read all ]

Machinery and equipment: economic analysis of world trade

Published by Marzia Moccia. .

Slowdown Internationalisation Global demand Uncertainty Global economic trends

In the current international scenario, the capital goods industry is being characterized by relative resilience. An in-depth look at sectoral trends [ Read all ]

First Half of 2023: the economic outlook of World Trade

Published by Marzia Moccia. .

Conjuncture Global demand Global economic trends

The world demand situation paints a picture of light and shadow: in the first six months of the new year, the slowdown in world demand for goods continued, but did not worsen. [ Read all ]

First signs of the start of a global energy transition pathway

Published by Luigi Bidoia. .

Slowdown Conjuncture Foreign markets Global economic trends

At a time of declining global trade, electric cars and the electrical engineering industry are bucking the trend [ Read all ]

US Capital Goods Demand: the figures of H1-2023

Published by Marcello Antonioni. .

Slowdown Metal industry Industrial equipment Conjuncture Automotive Check performance Industries United States of America Uncertainty Global economic trends

The data for the first half of 2023 document the progressive deterioration of the US investment cycle, with the relevant exceptions for automotive and construction equipment [ Read all ]

World trade in leather-goods supply chain: largely recovered from pre-pandemic levels for finished goods; not for intermediate goods and machinery

Published by Marcello Antonioni. .

Fashion Industrial equipment Conjuncture Check performance Industries Uncertainty International marketing Global economic trends

n Q1-2023, world exports of finished products are still growing well; a significant slowdown, however, for products upstream of the supply chain [ Read all ]

Lights and shadows of Italian medical device exports

Published by Marzia Moccia. .

Health products Conjuncture Foreign markets Uncertainty Made in Italy Global economic trends

Against a non-positive economic backdrop, uncertainties related to the application of the payback weigh heavily [ Read all ]

Drill-down with ExportPlanning

Published by Luca Surace. .

Covid-19 Health products Conjuncture Export Global economic trends

How to start from a piece of data (or a rash tweet) and explore its determinants thanks to the ExportPedia tool [ Read all ]