There are 453 Articles in this section

European exports in the Covid 2-years

Published by Marzia Moccia. .

Covid-19 Great Lockdown Conjuncture Global economic trends

European export growth slowdowns but remains above pre-crisis levels [ Read all ]

A review of EU food and drink exports

Published by Lorenzo Fontanelli. .

Food&Beverage Europe Conjuncture United States of America Global economic trends

La sospensione dei dazi della disputa commerciale USA-UE spinge l’export agroalimentare verso gli Stati Uniti: nei primi nove mesi del 2021 è cresciuto del +8% rispetto al 2019 [ Read all ]

Geo-economy of vaccines and international balances

Published by Marzia Moccia. .

Covid-19 Conjuncture Uncertainty IMF Global economic trends

With the availability of the new SARS-CoV-2 vaccine, China has rapidly become the second largest supplier to low-income economies [ Read all ]

Fashion Products in 2021: World Trade Recovery still Unable to Close the Gap with 2019

Published by Marcello Antonioni. .

Fashion Great Lockdown Conjuncture Global economic trends

Only the perfumes and cosmetics sector shows a full recovery to pre-pandemic levels [ Read all ]

Italy outperforms France in Exports

Published by Simone Zambelli. .

Industries Competitor analysis Export Made in Italy Italy Global economic trends

In the third quarter of 2021, for the first time, Italian exports overtook French exports [ Read all ]

US and EU: the new Tone of the Transatlantic Partnership

Published by Marzia Moccia. .

Europe United States of America Trade war Global economic trends

With the announcement of the suspension of tariffs on steel and aluminium, the two sides of the Atlantic have begun dialogue on a global agreement for sustainable production [ Read all ]

Is World Demand of Home Products slowing down?

Published by Lorenzo Fontanelli. .

Home items Conjuncture Export Global economic trends

After a 1-year growth, demand for home products shows signs of easing [ Read all ]

Growth in World Trade of Manufactured Goods Shows Signs of Easing

Published by Marzia Moccia. .

Slowdown Covid-19 Conjuncture Total goods Industries Foreign markets Global economic trends

Supply chain disruption, shipping delays and rising commodity prices threaten recovery [ Read all ]

The Growth of European Mechanical Engineering Exports Continues

Published by Marcello Antonioni. .

Europe Great Lockdown Industrial equipment Conjuncture Check performance Export Global economic trends

In the third quarter of the year, for the third consecutive quarter, EU exports of the sector grew on a YoY basis [ Read all ]

Increasing Ocean Freight Rates: A Brief Analysis of Trade Flows

Published by Lorenzo Fontanelli. .

Covid-19 Macroeconomic analysis Global demand Global economic trends

La combinazione di fattori congiunturali legati alla pandemia con fattori strutturali ha esacerbato le attuali tensioni sul mercato dei noli navali [ Read all ]