There are 518 ExportPlanning News
EXPORTPLANNING-Market Research: available world trade data for Q4-2019 (pre-estimates) Jan. 31, 2020
Access for all registered users is free up to the Industry level (UL20) of the Ulisse Product classification. >> Go to the Analytics tool
EXPORTPLANNING-MarketResearch / Analytics - Updated the Trade flows in Services Datamart Jan. 16, 2020
Available in "Analytics -> Macroeconomic environment -> Financial transactions" the latest updates of the "Trade flows in Services" Datamart >>Go to Datamart.
EXPORTPLANNING-MarketResearch / Analytics - Updated the Balance of Payments Datamart Jan. 15, 2020
Available in "Analytics -> Macroeconomic environment -> Financial transactions" the latest updates of the "Balance of Payments" Datamart: >>Access DM
EXPORTPLANNING-Market Research/Analytics: updates of Monthly Industrial Production indicators Jan. 10, 2020
Source: World Bank and other sources. Access for all registered users is free: >> Go to the Analytics tool
EXPORTPLANNING - Market Research: available US trade data for Q4-2019 (pre-estimates) Jan. 10, 2020
Access for all registered users is free up to the Industry level (UL20) of the Ulisse Product classification. >> Go to the Analytics tool
EXPORTPLANNING-Market Research:"Monetary and financial indicators" datamart update [Dec 2019] Jan. 8, 2020
Monetary and financial monthly indicators (Exchange Rates, Stock Exchanges, Inflation, Interest Rates) updated for 152 countries. >>Access Datamart
BPER ESTERO MAGAZINE - Grandi Elettrodomestici: la lunga crisi italiana ed europea Jan. 8, 2020
Nel rapporto Doing Business 2020, gli Emirati Arabi nella top 20 dei paesi maggiormente virtuosi sul panorama internazionale. >>Leggi l'articolo
BPER ESTERO MAGAZINE - Ease of Doing Business: il caso degli Emirati Arabi Jan. 8, 2020
Nel rapporto Doing Business 2020, gli Emirati Arabi nella top 20 dei paesi maggiormente virtuosi sul panorama internazionale. >>Leggi l'articolo
BPER ESTERO MAGAZINE - UE e Asean sostengono il libero scambio Jan. 8, 2020
La crescita UE può trovare sostegno negli scambi commerciali con l’area Asean. >>Leggi l'articolo
ACIMIT - I mercati del Meccanotessile in pillole: Focus Egitto Dec. 13, 2019
Egitto, mercato di rilievo per il macchinario tessile nell'area MENA. Prospettive positive per la domanda di macchine tessili. >>guarda il video introduttivo