There are 518 ExportPlanning News
EXPORTPLANNING-MarketResearch: available Doing Business indexes (edition 2020 by WB) Nov. 8, 2019
Availlable the updates of "Doing Business" indicators for 152 countries edited by the World Bank Group (edition 2020). >>Access the Datamart
EXPORTPLANNING-MarketResearch: updates of Exchange Rate Risk Datamart Nov. 8, 2019
In the Analytics tool now availlable the updates of "Exchange Rate Risk" data to measure the risk of currency depreciation of 152 countries. >>Access the Datamart
EXPORTPLANNING-Market Research:"Monetary and financial indicators" datamart update [Oct 2019] Nov. 6, 2019
Monetary and financial monthly indicators (Exchange Rates, Stock Exchanges, Inflation, Interest Rates) updated for 152 countries. >>Access Datamart
BPER ESTERO MAGAZINE - Free Trade Agreements: una possibile risposta al protezionismo Nov. 6, 2019
Le distorsioni indotte dalla globalizzazione possono trovare una soluzione negli accordi commerciali “approfonditi" >>Leggi articolo
BPER ESTERO MAGAZINE - Investimenti diretti esteri cinesi, tra leadership e guerra commerciale Nov. 6, 2019
Con l’evoluzione della sua economia, la Cina ha iniziato a investire capitali all’estero, tanto da rappresentare oggi uno principali investitori oltreconfine al mondo. >>Leggi l'articolo
BPER ESTERO MAGAZINE - Il mondo del ciclo: nuove misure anti-dumping proteggono il mercato UE Nov. 5, 2019
Rinnovate le tariffe anti-dumping, l’industria italiana del ciclo continua a crescere, in particolare nel comparto della pedalata assistita, che presenta le maggiori opportunità. >>Leggi l'articolo
EXPORTPLANNING-MarketBarometer updated with the 3rd quarter of 2019 (pre-estimates) Oct. 27, 2019
MarketBarometer allows real-time assessment of results on foreign markets, using the performance of the major competitor countries as benchmarks. >>Go to the tool
EXPORTPLANNING-Market Research: available world trade data for Q3-2019 (pre-estimates) Oct. 25, 2019
Access for all registered users is free up to the Industry level (UL20) of the Ulisse Product classification. >> Go to the Analytics tool
EXPORTPLANNING-Market Research: EU Countries Datamart updated to Q3-2019 (E) Oct. 22, 2019
For registered users, access to the service is free for the "Total goods" and UL20 ("industries") of the Ulisse classification. >>Go to the Analytics tool
EXPORTPLANNING-MarketResearch: Country Reports updated with latest IMF Outlook-October 2019 Oct. 18, 2019
Country Reports updated with new features and contents (WEO-Oct2019) for 152 countries. Access is free to all registered users >> Go to EP's Reporting tool