There are 518 ExportPlanning News
EXPORTPLANNING: updated the "MarketBarometer" data for the 2nd quarter of 2019 (pre-estimates) July 26, 2019
MarketBarometer allows real-time assessment of results on foreign markets, using the performance of the major competitor countries as benchmarks. >>Go to the tool
EXPORTPLANNING - Market Research: available world trade data for Q2-2019 (pre-estimates) July 26, 2019
Access for all registered users is free up to the Industry level (UL20) of the Ulisse Product classification. >> Go to the Analytics tool
EXPORTPLANNING-MarketResearch-Analytics: New Datamart "Exchange Rate Risk" for 152 countries July 25, 2019
The new index, calculated by StudiaBo, is intended to measure the depreciation risk of exchange rates for the 152 countries considered. >>Go to the new datamart
EXPORTPLANNING-MarketResearch-Analytics: updated "Population" datamart from UN source July 25, 2019
Updated the historical and forecast series of population by age and gender for the 152 countries considered. >>Go to datamart
BPER ESTERO MAGAZINE - Le potenzialità dell’Oriente per la gioielleria italiana July 25, 2019
Oltre ad Hong Kong, a Est crescono le potenzialità per l'export italiano settoriale verso Vietnam, Indonesia e Filippine. >>Leggi l'articolo
EXPORTPLANNING - Market Research: "EU Countries" Datamart updated to Q2-2019 (pre-estimates) July 24, 2019
For registered users, access to the service is free for the "Total goods" and UL20 ("industries") of the Ulisse classification. >>Go to the Analytics tool
EXPORTPLANNING - Market Research: available US trade data for H1-2019 (pre-estimates) July 10, 2019
Access for all registered users is free up to the Industry level (UL20) of the Ulisse Product classification. >> Go to the Analytics tool
EXPORTPLANNING-Market Research: updated the "Monetary and financial indicators" datamart [June 2019] July 5, 2019
Updates of monetary and financial monthly indicators (Exchange Rates, Stock Exchanghes, Int. Reserves) for 152 countries. >>Go to Analytics tool!
BPER ESTERO MAGAZINE - India: le opportunità di un paese in forte crescita July 3, 2019
Nel biennio 2019-2020 il PIL pro capite indiano aumenterà, ai prezzi del 2018, del 6% medio annuo (fonte: FMI). >>Leggi l'articolo
BPER ESTERO MAGAZINE - Non solo Mediterraneo: cresce la domanda di olio d’oliva nel mondo June 25, 2019
Gli incrementi più significativi della domanda di olio d’oliva vergine e EVO anche da Nord America, Brasile e Giappone. >>Leggi l'articolo