There are 518 ExportPlanning News
EXPORTPLANNING-DATA: available world trade data for Q4-2023 (pre-estimates) Feb. 1, 2024
Access for all registered users is free up to the Industry level (UL20) of the ExportPlanning Product classification. >> Go to World Trade Datamart
EXPORTPLANNING-DATA: EU Trade Datamart revisioned for Q4-2023 (pre-estimates) Jan. 17, 2024
For registered users, access is free for the "Total goods" and UL20 ("industries") of the ExportPlanning classification. >>Go to the EU Trade Datamart
EXPORTPLANNING-DATA/Macroeconomic environment - Updated the Trade flows in Services Datamart Jan. 17, 2024
Available in "Macroeconomic environment -> Financial transactions" the latest updates (2022) of "Trade flows in Services" Datamart >>Go to Datamart.
EXPORTPLANNING-DATA / Macroeconomic environment - Updated the Balance of Payments Datamart Jan. 17, 2024
Available in "Macroeconomic environment -> Financial transactions" the latest updates (2022) of the "Balance of Payments" Datamart: >>Access DM
EXPORTPLANNING-Market Research: "Foreign Direct Investment" datamart update [2022] Jan. 15, 2024
Yearly time series (1990-2022) of Inward and Outward FDI, measured in terms of Flows and Stocks, have been updated for 152 countries. >>Access Datamart
EXPORTPLANNING - DATA: update of US trade data for Q4-2023 (pre-estimates) Jan. 10, 2024
Pre-estimates of US foreign trade at industry/sector/product/HS10 level for 4th Quarter 2023 available. >> Access "US Trade" Datamart
EXPORTPLANNING-DATA: Annual Production and Demand Datamart up to 2023 (estimates) Nov. 8, 2023
Updated the datamart containing an estimate of the Production and Apparent Consumption of each product, for all the countries considered. Go to the Datamart
EXPORTPLANNING-DATA: updates of World Trade Forecast available up to 2027 Nov. 8, 2023
Based on first 9 months of 2023 and the Fall 2023 World Economic Outlook forecast scenario by the International Monetary Fund. Go to the Forecast datamart
EXPORTPLANNING-DATA: updates of Annual World Trade Datamart up to 2023 Nov. 8, 2023
Updated up to 2023 the datamart containing the bilateral trade flows by price ranges at a product-/sector-/industry-level. Go to the Datamart
EXPORTPLANNING-MarketBarometer updated with the 3rd quarter of 2023 (pre-estimates) Oct. 23, 2023
MarketBarometer allows real-time assessment of results on foreign markets, using the performance of the major competitor countries as benchmarks. >>Go to the tool