
The gradual Recovery of Global Demand: Geographical and Sectoral profile

Pubblicato da Marzia Moccia. .

Conjuncture Export markets Foreign markets Uncertainty Global economic trends

A Geographical and Sectoral deepening of the gradual restart of World Trade in Goods [ Read all ]


Capital Goods Cycle: weak signs of strengthening globally in the 2nd quarter of 2024, in a context still of uncertainty

Pubblicato da Marcello Antonioni. .

Metal industry Conjuncture Uncertainty Global economic trends

In the April-June period, a trend increase of +3.1% at constant prices for world exports of capital goods, accelerating compared to previous quarters [ Read all ]


Winds of protectionism and changes in world trade

Pubblicato da Veronica Campostrini. .

Macroeconomic analysis Conjuncture Export markets Foreign markets Uncertainty Made in Italy Trade war Foreign market analysis

Un approfondimento su come misurare la crescita delle ritorsioni commerciali su scala mondiale [ Read all ]


Metalworking tools and Machines: World Trade

Pubblicato da Marzia Moccia. .

Metal industry Automotive International marketing

The world of metalworking machinery and tool manufacturing is an extremely dynamic field, combining precision engineering, advanced materials and new technologies: an international Trade analysis [ Read all ]


U.S. Trade Conjuncture: The Recovery Continues

Pubblicato da Simone Zambelli. .

Conjuncture Industries United States of America Import Global economic trends

In the second quarter of 2024, American demand confirmed the positive signals already recorded in the first quarter [ Read all ]


Subsidies and environmental challenges: European tariffs on Chinese EVs

Pubblicato da Simone Zambelli. .

Europe Automotive Import Foreign market analysis

Chinese subsidies and environmental challenges: The impact on the European electric car market [ Read all ]


Home Textiles: strengthening of the world exports, thanks to the driving role of the US market

Pubblicato da Marcello Antonioni. .

Home items Conjuncture Check performance United States of America Foreign markets American States International marketing

In the first quarter of 2024, the US market made the largest positive contributions to global sales of Home Textiles [ Read all ]


Microdata and Economic Analysis: Potential Applications

Pubblicato da Marzia Moccia. .

Planning Internationalisation Internationalisation tools

The Importance of Analyzing Micro Behaviors for Understanding Aggregate Phenomena [ Read all ]