Latest news: Asia
There are 168 Articles with this tag

Smartphones and Trade War

Published by Marzia Moccia. .

Asia Conjuncture United States of America Uncertainty Trade war Global economic trends

US tariffs reshape value chains of High Tech companies [ Read all ]

China risk and Asia opportunities of US tariffs

Published by Marzia Moccia. .

Asia Conjuncture United States of America Uncertainty South-east Asia Global economic trends

American tariffs are heavily penalizing US imports of Chinese products, while benefitting other Asian competitors. [ Read all ]

Pharma: New Peak for International Trade (and Italian Exports) in Q1-2019

Published by Marcello Antonioni. .

Regional export Europe Asia Health products Conjuncture Export Foreign markets Data visualization Made in Italy Global economic trends

China among the leading markets of Pharma products, due to population aging and growing per capita income. [ Read all ]

2019 forecast: a map of global economic growth

Published by Alba Di Rosa. .

Africa Macroeconomic analysis Europe Asia Conjuncture Forecast IMF Global economic trends

According to the IMF, Asia and Africa will show the fastest economic growth, while Germany and Italy will lag behind the rest of the EU. [ Read all ]

The world market of mechanical industry machines

Published by Luigi Bidoia. .

Asia Global demand Foreign market analysis

Ordinamento dei paesi con i maggiori acquisti di macchine per l’industria meccanica [ Read all ]

The EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement

Published by Luigi Bidoia. .

Europe Asia Foreign markets News from the world

The EU-Japan Agreement is a powerful signal to international community that two of the world's biggest economies reject protectionism. [ Read all ]

Philippines -- 'sick man of Asia' risks relapse

Published by Luigi Bidoia. .

Asia Foreign markets News from the world

Like Estrada before him, Duterte ignores the economy at his peril [ Read all ]