There are 99 Articles with this tag

Automotive Components: Developments on EU Foreign Trade

Published by Alba Di Rosa. .

Covid-19 Europe Asia Electronics Automotive Export Foreign markets High-tech Automotive

Semiconductor shortage emerges as wake-up call for the industry [ Read all ]

South Korea heading towards monetary policy normalization

Published by Alba Di Rosa. .

Covid-19 Exchange rate Asia Exchange rate risk Economic policy Central banks Exchange rates

Economic recovery and financial stabilization rank as main goals [ Read all ]

Automotive Sector: Covid Crisis and Green Transition

Published by Alba Di Rosa. .

Covid-19 Europe Automotive Export Automotive

The first months of 2021 leave behind the unfavorable spring of last year for the EU market, but weakness remains compared to pre-Covid levels; solid growth for electric vehicles [ Read all ]

IMF|World Economic Outlook: the Picture of World Recovery in July 2021 update

Published by Marzia Moccia. .

Covid-19 Macroeconomic analysis Great Lockdown Conjuncture Foreign markets IMF Global economic trends

Global economic recovery continues, but gap between advanced and emerging economies widens [ Read all ]

H1-2021: World Trade Performance by industry

Published by Marzia Moccia. .

Covid-19 Home items Fashion Health products Great Lockdown Conjuncture Global demand Industries Global economic trends

Global trade in goods appears to have ushered in a new season of increases. Widespread recovery in sector terms, with a few exceptions [ Read all ]

Emerging Focus: South African Rand Changing Direction

Published by Gloria Zambelli. .

Covid-19 Africa Exchange rate Dollar Uncertainty Exchange rates

Dopo un prolungato periodo di apprezzamento, la valuta sudafricana riflette le preoccupazioni dei mercati sulle tensione nel Paese e il raforrzamento del dollaro [ Read all ]

Colombian peso Under Pressure

Published by Gloria Zambelli. .

Covid-19 Exchange rate Dollar Exchange rate risk Exchange rates

L'attuale crisi economica e sociale del Paese si riflette sull'andamento della valuta e sul rendimento dei bondi decennali [ Read all ]

Country Relative Score

Published by Luigi Bidoia. .

Covid-19 Conjuncture International marketing Internationalisation tools

The daily score of the financial markets on world countries [ Read all ]

Light and Shadow on the British Pound

Published by Gloria Zambelli. .

Covid-19 Exchange rate Great Lockdown Euro Pound Brexit Exchange rates

The British pound seems to have found its stability despite the fact that some uncertainties remain [ Read all ]

Favorable trend for Global Demand of Agricultural Machinery

Published by Marzia Moccia. .

Covid-19 Metal industry Great Lockdown Conjuncture Export markets Global economic trends

During the pandemic year, global demand for agricultural machinery entered a new phase of growth [ Read all ]