Latest news: Europe
There are 197 Articles with this tag

The US-EU Truce and Competitive Balances

Published by Marzia Moccia. .

Food&Beverage Europe United States of America Trade balance Uncertainty Made in Italy Italy Global economic trends

Changing competitive equlibriums in the US market for wines and oil [ Read all ]

Europe’s two-speed Export Recovery

Published by Marzia Moccia. .

Covid-19 Food&Beverage Europe Intermediate goods Great Lockdown Conjuncture Automotive Made in Italy Global economic trends

Central and Eastern European Member States were characterised by greater resilience and a faster recovery [ Read all ]

Ukraine: Market Opportunities and Accessibility for EU Wines

Published by Valeria Minasi. .

Food&Beverage Europe Export markets Market Accessibility

The recent abolition of duties on EU wines is a further development opportunity for European sales, already showing a strong growth [ Read all ]

EU foreign trade: the final figures for 2020

Published by Marzia Moccia. .

Covid-19 Europe Great Lockdown Conjuncture Export markets Eurozone Global economic trends

European exports closed 2020 with a decline of 10% in euros, with a rather heterogeneous situation of the main export trading partners [ Read all ]

The EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment

Published by Marzia Moccia. .

Free trade agreements Europe Asia Market Accessibility

The European Commission has reached an agreement in principle on bilateral investment: opportunities and critical issues [ Read all ]

The Table Tennis Boom

Published by Marzia Moccia. .

Covid-19 Europe Great Lockdown Global demand Consumption pattern Foreign markets International marketing International marketing

The Great Lockdown sustained world demand for table tennis equipment, with an increase in market share even for smaller exporting countries [ Read all ]

FX Update: Dollar Weakness and Brexit Wait

Published by Alba Di Rosa. .

Covid-19 Exchange rate Europe Dollar Emerging markets Euro United States of America Uncertainty Exchange rate risk Brexit Central banks Eurozone Exchange rates

The dollar consolidates its bear trend, while the pound reflects the hope for an agreement that hangs in the balance [ Read all ]

The Airbus-Boeing Saga and the Transatlantic Dispute

Published by Marzia Moccia. .

Europe Conjuncture United States of America Uncertainty Trade war Global economic trends

A year after the US tariff imposition, the European Union also hits 4 billion worth of American products. Which ones? [ Read all ]

The New Access2markets Portal: Information Support on Market Accessibility for Companies Exporting in the EU

Published by Valeria Minasi. .

Europe Internationalisation Export markets Market Accessibility

The new system combines the potential of two existing databases (Market Access Database and EU Trade Helpdesk) in a single multipurpose portal [ Read all ]

October 2020 IMF Scenario: the Long Road to Recovery

Published by Alba Di Rosa. .

Covid-19 Great Recession Europe Great Lockdown Emerging markets United States of America Uncertainty Italy Global economic trends

The latest World Economic Outlook forecasts shed a ray of hope on 2020, compared to previous estimates; however, all major economies remain in negative territory, with China as a relevant exception [ Read all ]