Latest news: Europe
There are 197 Articles with this tag

European Machinery Industry: Export Trends in H1-2020

Published by Marcello Antonioni. .

Covid-19 Europe Industrial equipment Conjuncture Check performance Export Global economic trends

Strongly penalized in Q2 (-21% YoY, equal to -€5.7 billion), in H1-2020 EU machinery exports fell by 16%. [ Read all ]

Hopes for an Agreement Support the Euro

Published by Alba Di Rosa. .

Covid-19 Exchange rate Europe Euro Uncertainty Exchange rate risk Economic policy Central banks Eurozone Exchange rates

EU leaders are holding key discussions for a stimulus plan and for the future of European integration [ Read all ]

Optimism on Financial Markets supports the Swedish Currency

Published by Alba Di Rosa. .

Covid-19 Exchange rate Europe Uncertainty Exchange rate risk Central banks Exchange rates

The absence of a real lockdown has limited negative economic effects for the country, but Sweden is not exempt from the challenges of the post-Covid era. [ Read all ]

The new EU-Mexico trade agreement

Published by Marzia Moccia. .

Europe Emerging markets Latin America Export markets Foreign markets International marketing

The total removing of the existing tariffs and the recognition of European geographical indications are substantial elements of the new agreement [ Read all ]

Watchword: QE

Published by Alba Di Rosa. .

Exchange rate Europe Dollar Emerging markets United States of America Uncertainty Exchange rate risk Central banks Eurozone Exchange rates

Expansionary monetary policy helps to reassure the markets. Emerging markets currencies and USD are poles apart. [ Read all ]

Airbus Tariffs: the First US Revision

Published by Marzia Moccia. .

Europe Conjuncture United States of America Foreign markets Uncertainty Made in Italy Global economic trends

There are no substantial changes to the duties in force, but the application of the carousel retaliation creates deep uncertainty and amplifies risks. [ Read all ]

Eurozone Slowdown: Evidence from Trade Flows

Published by Marzia Moccia. .

Slowdown Europe Conjuncture Industries Uncertainty Eurozone Global economic trends

The European economy is heavily penalized by German stagnation [ Read all ]