Latest news: Fashion
There are 111 Articles with this tag

Fashion Products: which American States have the greatest potential?

Published by Marcello Antonioni. .

Fashion Marketselection United States of America American States International marketing

United States top market for worldwide exports. New York, Texas and Illinois top potential destinations [ Read all ]

Pre-final figures for 2023: world trade of the Fashion industry declining, but with differentiated performances in terms of price ranges

Published by Marcello Antonioni. .

Premium price Slowdown Fashion Conjuncture Consumption pattern Uncertainty International marketing

At the end of the year, an overall decline of 5% in euro values is estimated, but with significant increases in sales in the mid-price range, compared to a sharp decline in the lower ranges [ Read all ]

Fashion industry: an assessment of world sales in the first half of 2023

Published by Marcello Antonioni. .

Slowdown Fashion Conjuncture Check performance Export markets Uncertainty Global economic trends

Despite the economic slowdown, the majority of international markets still show positive dynamics in the sales of fashion products [ Read all ]

World trade in leather-goods supply chain: largely recovered from pre-pandemic levels for finished goods; not for intermediate goods and machinery

Published by Marcello Antonioni. .

Fashion Industrial equipment Conjuncture Check performance Industries Uncertainty International marketing Global economic trends

n Q1-2023, world exports of finished products are still growing well; a significant slowdown, however, for products upstream of the supply chain [ Read all ]

Cosmetics industry: world markets accelerating

Published by Marcello Antonioni. .

Fashion Marketselection Health products Export markets Foreign markets Uncertainty International marketing

In a context of particularly dynamic sectoral demand, the presence of numerous markets in an acceleration phase is highlighted [ Read all ]

International Trade by industry: Old and New Trends

Published by Marzia Moccia. .

Home items Fashion Health products Importexport Conjuncture Industries Uncertainty Global economic trends

An analysis of international trade by industry in relation to long- and short-term performance [ Read all ]

World Exports of Fashion Products in H1 2022: United States rank by far as the leading market

Published by Marcello Antonioni. .

Fashion Check performance Consumption pattern United States of America Export markets Foreign markets Global economic trends

Widespread growth in global sales to the US market, with new highs in many sectors of the Fashion and Person-related industry [ Read all ]

EU Exports of Fashion Products: all major sectors above pre-pandemic levels in Q1 2022

Published by Marcello Antonioni. .

Fashion Europe Conjuncture Check performance Export Global economic trends

In the first three months of the year, EU exports of the Fashion industry returned 12 percentage points above the corresponding period in 2019 [ Read all ]

Analysis of Italian and French exports to China: a focus on the agri-food industry

Published by Simone Zambelli. .

Fashion Food&Beverage Asia Internationalisation Export Agribusiness

The strong Italian delay of agro-foods in China is compensated by the good performance of the fashion system [ Read all ]