Latest news: Food&Beverage
There are 105 Articles with this tag

Food & Beverage: which American States have the greatest potential?

Published by Marcello Antonioni. .

Food&Beverage Marketselection United States of America International marketing American States International marketing

United States 1st world market for total imports and premium-price segments. Texas, Florida and Illinois at the top of the ranking [ Read all ]

Food & Beverage 2024: Fastest Growing Geographies

Published by Gloria Girardi. .

Food&Beverage Asia Forecast South-east Asia Agribusiness

Nel corso dell’ultimo trentennio la domanda mondiale di Food&Beverage; ha intrapreso un sentiero di rapida espansione, sostenuto dal progressivo aumento demografico e reddituale sulla scena internaz... [ Read all ]

Food & Beverage World Trade in 2023: premium-price sales shine

Published by Marcello Antonioni. .

Premium price Food&Beverage Conjuncture Uncertainty International marketing

At the end of the year, an increase of just 3 percent in euros is expected in overall flows; by over 18 percent with reference to flows in the highest price ranges [ Read all ]

World trade in Pasta: some Blue Ocean Markets

Published by Marzia Moccia. .

Food&Beverage Consumption pattern Export markets Foreign markets Foreign market analysis

The increasing celebrity of the Mediterranean diet worldwide has led to a significant growth in demand for pasta. A focus on some emerging markets [ Read all ]

The EU-New Zealand Trade Agreement

Published by Simone Zambelli. .

Food&Beverage Free trade agreements Conjuncture Oceania Eurozone Global economic trends

On June 30, 2022, the European Union and New Zealand concluded the four-year negotiations for an ambitious trade agreement [ Read all ]

The transformation of the Russian food supply chain

Published by Simone Zambelli. .

Food&Beverage Industrial equipment Foreign markets Agribusiness

Since the early years of the 21st century, a change of trend in the agri-food sector has been taking place in Russia [ Read all ]

Nutraceuticals: an analysis of international trade flows

Published by Lorenzo Fontanelli. .

Food&Beverage Health products Global demand Foreign market analysis

In forte espansione la domanda mondiale di prodotti nutraceutici, sostenuta dalla crescente attenzione dei consumatori ai temi salutistici [ Read all ]

The Russian and Ukrainian role in world cereals trade

Published by Marzia Moccia. .

Food&Beverage Europe Export Uncertainty Foreign market analysis

Geopolitical tensions with Russia have alerted markets to the possible effects of cereal shortages. An in-depth look at the trade weight of Russia and Ukraine in the sector [ Read all ]

Analysis of Italian and French exports to China: a focus on the agri-food industry

Published by Simone Zambelli. .

Fashion Food&Beverage Asia Internationalisation Export Agribusiness

The strong Italian delay of agro-foods in China is compensated by the good performance of the fashion system [ Read all ]

The importance of the distribution network as a driver of export growth

Published by Alessandro Ferrari. .

Food&Beverage Importexport Export Import Agribusiness

The case of Italian versus French retailers in the Chinese market [ Read all ]