Latest news: Forecast
There are 55 Articles with this tag

The Ten Fastest Growing Countries in 2019-2020

Published by Luigi Bidoia. .

Premium price Forecast Export markets South-east Asia Foreign market analysis

China, India and four Asean countries form the world's largest growth area. [ Read all ]

2019 forecast: a map of global economic growth

Published by Alba Di Rosa. .

Africa Macroeconomic analysis Europe Asia Conjuncture Forecast IMF Global economic trends

According to the IMF, Asia and Africa will show the fastest economic growth, while Germany and Italy will lag behind the rest of the EU. [ Read all ]

Israel and the Shekel: an update

Published by Alba Di Rosa. .

Exchange rate Forecast Exchange rate risk IMF Exchange rates

How are the country and the currency doing, in the wake of parliamentary elections? [ Read all ]

Eco-friendly Leather: the growing specialization of the European industry

Published by Marcello Antonioni. .

Home items Siulisse Europe Internationalisation Industrial equipment Forecast International marketing International marketing

An increasingly positive trade balance highlights a growing specialisation of European industry for Textile fabrics coated, covered or laminated with polyurethane and/or polyvinyl chloride. [ Read all ]

The global economic slowdown

Published by Giulio Grisanti. .

Macroeconomic analysis Forecast Turkish lira Global economic trends

Latest IMF projections signal a slightly slower GDP growth [ Read all ]

Asia: prospettive e minacce alla crescita

Published by Marzia Moccia. .

Asia Forecast News from the world

L’ Asia continua a guidare la crescita globale, tuttavia rischi di breve e lungo periodo minacciano il cammino espansivo. [ Read all ]

Le sfide per una crescita duratura

Published by Luigi Bidoia. .

Great Recession Emerging markets Forecast News from the world

Fondo Monetario Internazionale - World Economic Outlook, October 2018 [ Read all ]

Il costo per l'Italia della crisi della lira turca

Published by Luigi Bidoia. .

Conjuncture Forecast Turkish lira Foreign market analysis

La possibile riduzione nel 2019 delle nostre esportazioni è stimata in 3 miliardi di euro. [ Read all ]

Beni di consumo: i mercati mondiali a maggiore potenziale di crescita nel triennio 2018-2020

Published by Marcello Antonioni. .

Home items Fashion Food&Beverage Marketselection Health products Forecast Consumption pattern Foreign markets Foreign market analysis

Lo scenario di previsione tracciato da StudiaBo, sulla base delle nuove previsioni macroeconomiche dell'FMI, evidenziano un contesto di opportunità per le imprese italiane di beni di consumo. [ Read all ]