Latest news: Global demand
There are 136 Articles with this tag

International trade is slowing down, with significant differences among sectors

Published by Marcello Antonioni. .

Conjuncture Global demand Check performance Industries Global economic trends

The slowdown in world exports is confirmed, but it is not a fall: growth in the quantities is around 2% (Year-over-Year) [ Read all ]

The world market of mechanical industry machines

Published by Luigi Bidoia. .

Asia Global demand Foreign market analysis

Ordinamento dei paesi con i maggiori acquisti di macchine per l’industria meccanica [ Read all ]

The investment cycles of the mechanical industry in the world

Published by Luigi Bidoia. .

Conjuncture Global demand Global economic trends

The last cycle, started in 2017 and already interrupted, could quickly resume in response to positive events such as the overcoming of the tariff war. [ Read all ]

Healthcare system: in the third quarter of 2018 the robust growth of world trade continued

Published by Marcello Antonioni. .

Health products Conjuncture Global demand Check performance Export Global economic trends

Italian exports of the Healthcare system are exploiting the growth phase of some leading markets worldwide, as in the cases of the US and the German markets. [ Read all ]

L’eccellenza competitiva delle piastrelle italiane

Published by Luigi Bidoia. .

Premium price Bestpractice Global demand International marketing

Le piastrelle italiane sembrano immuni dai forti cambiamenti in atto nelle fasce basse di prezzo del mercato mondiale [ Read all ]

The abrupt slowdown in the world trade in instrumental mechanics

Published by Marcello Antonioni. .

Metal industry Industrial equipment Conjuncture Global demand Check performance Export Global economic trends

In the third quarter of 2018, the deterioration of the world trade in machinery and plants for industry (down by 4 percent at constant prices), generalized at the level of commodity sectors. [ Read all ]

Automotive industry: tendenze commerciali e sviluppi tecnologici

Published by Alba Di Rosa. .

Siulisse Europe Automotive Global demand Emerging markets Automotive

Trend nel mondo dell’auto segnalati dalle dinamiche di commercio internazionale [ Read all ]

Industria automobilistica mondiale a due facce

Published by Alba Di Rosa. .

Automotive Global demand Foreign market analysis

Nella produzione di automobili e di componentistica sono in atto due processi opposti a livello di commercio internazionale: il primo di chiusura, il secondo di apertura. [ Read all ]

Ambienti sempre più climatizzati

Published by Marzia Moccia. .

Home items Global demand International marketing

Come risposta alle estati sempre più torride, la domanda mondiale di climatizzatori ha superato 80 milioni di unità. [ Read all ]

Nuovo punto di massimo per la domanda mondiale del Sistema Salute nel 2° trimestre 2018

Published by Marcello Antonioni. .

Health products Conjuncture Global demand Check performance Global economic trends

In un contesto favorevole della domanda mondiale, l'export italiano di Sistema Salute continua a mostrare performance di elevata competitività: i casi dei mercati di USA, Olanda e Cina. [ Read all ]