Latest news: Import
There are 12 Articles with this tag

U.S. Trade Conjuncture: The Recovery Continues

Published by Simone Zambelli. .

Conjuncture Industries United States of America Import Global economic trends

In the second quarter of 2024, American demand confirmed the positive signals already recorded in the first quarter [ Read all ]

Subsidies and environmental challenges: European tariffs on Chinese EVs

Published by Simone Zambelli. .

Europe Automotive Import Foreign market analysis

Chinese subsidies and environmental challenges: The impact on the European electric car market [ Read all ]

South Korea: attractive market for cosmetics

Published by Simone Zambelli. .

Marketselection Foreign markets Import Foreign market analysis

Passion for beauty and personal care salient aspects of local consumer preferences [ Read all ]

The slowdown in U.S. demand for Machinery

Published by Marcello Antonioni. .

Industrial equipment Check performance United States of America Foreign markets Uncertainty Import Global economic trends

In the third quarter of the year, the growth phase of U.S. demand for the industry (albeit rising in double-digit annual cumulative terms) slowed down [ Read all ]

The importance of the distribution network as a driver of export growth

Published by Alessandro Ferrari. .

Food&Beverage Importexport Export Import Agribusiness

The case of Italian versus French retailers in the Chinese market [ Read all ]

Import Development Stages: the Cases of Sweden, United Arab Emirates and Yemen

Published by Alessandro Ferrari. .

Internationalisation Importexport Import Foreign market analysis

Knowing imports' stages of development as key for the definition of a market entry strategy [ Read all ]

World metal trade

Published by Donatella Talucci. .

Conjuncture Import Global economic trends

World trade flow analysis reveals determinants of strong metal price increases [ Read all ]

US Market: the Fall of Fashion and Household Products in H1-2020

Published by Marcello Antonioni. .

Covid-19 Home items Fashion Check performance Consumption pattern United States of America Import Foreign market analysis

For Fashion and Household products, in Q2-2020 US imports dropped for the third consecutive quarter [ Read all ]

American Market: Falling Demand for Machinery

Published by Marcello Antonioni. .

Industrial equipment Check performance United States of America Uncertainty Import Global economic trends

In the first quarter of 2020, a drop in imports spread to all sectors of machinery, with the exceptions of Food Machines and - to a lesser extent - Paper & Converting Machines. [ Read all ]

U.S. market in Q1-2020: Agribusiness and Healthcare products relatively sheltered from the contraction in demand

Published by Marcello Antonioni. .

Slowdown Food&Beverage Health products Industrial equipment United States of America Uncertainty Import Global economic trends

Demand for packaged Food and Pharmaceutical products continued to grow, despite persistent declines for capital goods and intermediates, as well as a drop in demand for Fashion and Home products [ Read all ]