Latest news: Industrial equipment
There are 57 Articles with this tag

Business Cycles in World Mechanical Industry

Published by Luigi Bidoia. .

Industrial equipment Foreign markets Internationalisation tools

Cyclical indicators can be derived from world trade in goods used in the different stages of the value chain. [ Read all ]

Uncertainty Weighs on Investments

Published by Marzia Moccia. .

Industrial equipment Conjuncture Uncertainty IMF Global economic trends

The current economic slowdown will lead to a decline in investments and international trade of capital goods. [ Read all ]

Sub-Saharan Africa: market potential for Textile Machinery

Published by Marcello Antonioni. .

Africa Fashion Planning Marketselection Industrial equipment Emerging markets Export markets International marketing Foreign market analysis

A few SSA countries are to be considered in the market selection of Textile Machinery's Exporters: South Africa, Mauritius, Madagascar, Ethiopia, Uganda, Kenya e Tanzania are the top potential markets [ Read all ]

Eco-friendly Leather: the growing specialization of the European industry

Published by Marcello Antonioni. .

Home items Siulisse Europe Internationalisation Industrial equipment Forecast International marketing International marketing

An increasingly positive trade balance highlights a growing specialisation of European industry for Textile fabrics coated, covered or laminated with polyurethane and/or polyvinyl chloride. [ Read all ]

The favorable evolution of EU sales on the US market

Published by Marcello Antonioni. .

Intermediate goods Industrial equipment Conjuncture Consumption pattern United States of America Global economic trends

In the fourth quarter of 2018, the US import of goods from the EU area, denominated in euros, reached a new high point, exceeding - for the first time - 110 billion euros (411 Bn € on annual basis). [ Read all ]

The abrupt slowdown in the world trade in instrumental mechanics

Published by Marcello Antonioni. .

Metal industry Industrial equipment Conjuncture Global demand Check performance Export Global economic trends

In the third quarter of 2018, the deterioration of the world trade in machinery and plants for industry (down by 4 percent at constant prices), generalized at the level of commodity sectors. [ Read all ]

Circuiti Integrati: una produzione sempre più strategica.

Published by Luigi Bidoia. .

Asia Electronics Industrial equipment Global demand Foreign market analysis

La competizione tra Stati Uniti, Cina, Taiwan e Corea per la leadership della produzione di circuiti integrati [ Read all ]