Latest news: Industries
There are 68 Articles with this tag

Eurozone Slowdown: Evidence from Trade Flows

Published by Marzia Moccia. .

Slowdown Europe Conjuncture Industries Uncertainty Eurozone Global economic trends

The European economy is heavily penalized by German stagnation [ Read all ]

Most exposed UK sectors to Brexit risk

Published by Marzia Moccia. .

Europe Conjuncture Industries Uncertainty Brexit Global economic trends

UK sectors that will be particulary badly hit are those most dependent on European exports [ Read all ]

International trade is slowing down, with significant differences among sectors

Published by Marcello Antonioni. .

Conjuncture Global demand Check performance Industries Global economic trends

The slowdown in world exports is confirmed, but it is not a fall: growth in the quantities is around 2% (Year-over-Year) [ Read all ]

Ceramic tiles: the emerging competition of Luxury Vinyl Tiles (LVTs)

Published by Marcello Antonioni. .

Home items Siulisse Industries Consumption pattern United States of America International marketing

In the flooring industry, the emerging growth of Luxury Vinyl Tiles, to the detriment of Ceramic Tiles [ Read all ]

Agribusiness: signs of a slowdown in world trade but also confirmations of growing markets

Published by Marcello Antonioni. .

Food&Beverage Conjuncture Check performance Industries Foreign markets Agribusiness

In a phase of slowdown in world trade, the agribusiness exporters are recommended to monitor the performance of their markets. [ Read all ]

Agroalimentare: casi di eccellenza del “Made in Italy” nel 2017-2018

Published by Marcello Antonioni. .

Regional export Food&Beverage Conjuncture Industries Foreign markets Data visualization Agribusiness

La numerosità della casistica di crescita - anche su mercati geograficamente distanti - conferma i segnali di competitività dell'agroalimentare italiano, incamminato sulla strada dell'obiettivo 5020 [ Read all ]

Meccanica strumentale: nel primo trimestre 2018 conferme di crescita dall'import UE

Published by Marcello Antonioni. .

Europe Metal industry Conjuncture Check performance Industries Foreign markets Global economic trends

Nei primi 3 mesi dell'anno le importazioni UE di Macchine e impianti per i processi industriali hanno evidenziato - per il 7° trimestre consecutivo - una crescita tendenziale nei valori in euro. [ Read all ]

Commercio mondiale: un 2017 da record

Published by Luca Surace. .

Conjuncture Industries Export Data visualization Global economic trends

Nonostante lo spettro di una guerra dei dazi, gli scambi internazionali in euro raggiungono il massimo storico [ Read all ]

Il Perù: un mercato da monitorare

Published by Marco Scordamaglia. .

Emerging markets Industries Latin America Foreign market analysis

Nonostante la predominanza del settore minerario, il Perù scommette sull'agricoltura con interessanti opportunià per l'export made in Italy [ Read all ]