Latest news: Metal industry
There are 99 Articles with this tag

Russia: Potential and Accessibility for Agricultural Technologies

Published by Matteo Olivieri. .

Metal industry Emerging markets Export markets Foreign markets Market Accessibility

Potential and accessibility factors of the Russian agricultural machinery market [ Read all ]

Favorable trend for Global Demand of Agricultural Machinery

Published by Marzia Moccia. .

Covid-19 Metal industry Great Lockdown Conjuncture Export markets Global economic trends

During the pandemic year, global demand for agricultural machinery entered a new phase of growth [ Read all ]

World Trade Recovery strengthens in Q1-21

Published by Marzia Moccia. .

Covid-19 Fashion Metal industry Great Lockdown Industrial equipment Conjuncture Foreign markets Uncertainty Global economic trends

World trade opens 2021 with a 6% y-o-y growth in quantity and a 3% increase over the Q1-2019 [ Read all ]

Opportunities and Accessibility for the Agricultural Machinery Sector: Focus on Mexico and Vietnam Markets

Published by Valeria Minasi. .

Metal industry Emerging markets Export markets Market Accessibility

Mexico and Vietnam: emerging markets with high potential for European agricultural machinery exports [ Read all ]

EU Investment Goods Exports in 2020: Widespread Falls, but less Pronounced than in 2009

Published by Marcello Antonioni. .

Metal industry Internationalisation Great Lockdown Conjuncture Global economic trends

Average declines between 10 and 15 percentage points; exceptions from ITC Tools and Services (-1.4%) and Agricultural Equipment (-2.8%) [ Read all ]

The Global Crisis of Investment Goods

Published by Marcello Antonioni. .

Slowdown Metal industry Conjuncture Global demand Check performance Global economic trends

Worldwide exports of electrical engineering products, machinery, tools and equipment, industrial plants have been falling for 4-5 quarters in a row [ Read all ]

The cyclical conditions of world trade

Published by Luigi Bidoia. .

Food&Beverage Metal industry Intermediate goods Electronics Conjuncture Automotive Global demand Global economic trends

Global demand is slowing down. How are the different industries doing? [ Read all ]

The abrupt slowdown in the world trade in instrumental mechanics

Published by Marcello Antonioni. .

Metal industry Industrial equipment Conjuncture Global demand Check performance Export Global economic trends

In the third quarter of 2018, the deterioration of the world trade in machinery and plants for industry (down by 4 percent at constant prices), generalized at the level of commodity sectors. [ Read all ]

L’export lombardo che corre di più

Published by Marzia Moccia. .

Regional export Metal industry Conjuncture Export Data visualization Global economic trends

Milano protagonista grazie all’export farmaceutico e meccanico, spiccano Brescia e Bergamo per le esportazioni metallurgiche [ Read all ]