Latest news: Russian rouble
There are 20 Articles with this tag

New Race for the Russian Ruble?

Published by Gloria Zambelli. .

Covid-19 Exchange rate Dollar Trade balance Russian rouble Central banks Exchange rates

After the weakening phase experienced for most of 2020, the Russian ruble seems to have found new vigor, preparing to become, according to several international observers, the best performing currency... [ Read all ]

Dollar and "Emerging" currencies: two sides of a coin

Published by Gloria Zambelli. .

Dollar Mexican peso Russian rouble Brazilian real Uncertainty Central banks Exchange rates

Il deprezzamento del dollaro si sta riflettendo sull’apprezzamento delle valute dei paesi emergenti [ Read all ]

Phase of Weakness for the Ruble

Published by Alba Di Rosa. .

Covid-19 Exchange rate Emerging markets Russian rouble Exchange rate risk Economic policy Central banks Exchange rates

Geopolitical uncertainty and capital flows take centre stage [ Read all ]

Russian Ruble: a Perfect Storm?

Published by Alba Di Rosa. .

Covid-19 Exchange rate Russian rouble Uncertainty Exchange rate risk Central banks Exchange rates

The dynamics of the exchange rates of Russian ruble, South African rand and Brazilian real can constitute an indirect measure of the uncertainty affecting the EM economies [ Read all ]

Bank of Russia’s parachute shields the rouble

Published by Alba Di Rosa. .

Exchange rate Emerging markets Russian rouble Exchange rate risk Oil Central banks Exchange rates

New mechanisms put in place by the Russian central bank to reduce the dependence of the rouble on the price of oil are proving effective in the aftermath of the Covid shock. [ Read all ]

Uncertainty weighs on EUR/USD, while EM currencies stabilize

Published by Alba Di Rosa. .

Exchange rate Dollar Euro Mexican peso Russian rouble Uncertainty Exchange rate risk Central banks Exchange rates

Disputes within the Union endanger the single currency, while EM currencies breathe a sigh of relief. For now. [ Read all ]

Central Banks Take the Field: Will it be Enough?

Published by Alba Di Rosa. .

Exchange rate Emerging markets Mexican peso United States of America Russian rouble Brazilian real Uncertainty Exchange rate risk Central banks Eurozone Exchange rates

Coronavirus financial effects penalize EM currencies; in the meantime, Western central banks decide to strike. [ Read all ]

Russian Ruble: a Phase of Stability

Published by Alba Di Rosa. .

Exchange rate Russian rouble Exchange rate risk Oil Central banks Exchange rates

Inflation under control and foreign capital inflows underpin the stability of the ruble. [ Read all ]