Latest news: Uncertainty
There are 200 Articles with this tag

Foreign Direct Investment: Global Dynamics in 2019

Published by Alba Di Rosa. .

Covid-19 Great Lockdown Emerging markets United States of America Foreign markets Uncertainty Global economic trends

UNCTAD data show a slight rebound in global FDI flows in 2019, but the Covid crisis could lead in 2020 to a greater collapse than that one recorded in the aftermath of the 2009 crisis [ Read all ]

Brexit Saga: Approaching the Endgame

Published by Alba Di Rosa. .

Exchange rate Europe Euro Uncertainty Exchange rate risk Pound Brexit Central banks Eurozone Exchange rates

The British government’s latest move on Brexit leads the pound’s exchange rate risk on the rise; meanwhile, the ECB delivers soft comments on the strong euro, but keeps it in check [ Read all ]

Euro, Dollar and Monetary Policy: new Challenges in the post-Covid Era

Published by Alba Di Rosa. .

Covid-19 Exchange rate Europe Dollar Euro Uncertainty Exchange rate risk Economic policy Central banks Eurozone Exchange rates

The Federal Reserve changes its course on inflation targeting, while the ECB gets ready to face the strength of the single currency [ Read all ]

Belarusian Unrest and its Impact on the Currency

Published by Alba Di Rosa. .

Covid-19 Exchange rate Europe Emerging markets Uncertainty Central banks Exchange rates

The outcome of August 9 presidential elections has triggered historical street protests [ Read all ]

Machinery: the Fall in World Demand mainly Affects Italian and German Exports

Published by Marcello Antonioni. .

Great Lockdown Industrial equipment Global demand Check performance Competitor analysis Uncertainty Global economic trends

In H1-2020 the two main European exporting countries of Machinery show the worst worldwide performances [ Read all ]

Exchange Rates: August Wrap-up

Published by Alba Di Rosa. .

Exchange rate Dollar Euro Swiss franc Turkish lira Uncertainty Japanese yen Argentine peso Economic policy Central banks Exchange rates

Euro and dollar reverse their balance of power; among EM currencies, eyes on Turkey and Argentina [ Read all ]

Lockdown and Foreign Trade: a Focus on Competitiveness

Published by Alba Di Rosa. .

Covid-19 Europe Great Lockdown Foreign markets Uncertainty Italy Global economic trends

The health crisis is changing the balance of power in international markets [ Read all ]

World Trade: Covid-19 effect on International Trade Areas

Published by Marzia Moccia. .

Covid-19 Conjuncture Global demand Foreign markets Uncertainty Global economic trends

In the period April-May, the main importing countries recorded falls between 20% and 30% in euro; greater resilience for South-East Asia [ Read all ]

World Trade: the Decline observed in April continues in May

Published by Giulio Grisanti. .

Covid-19 Conjuncture Global demand Uncertainty Global economic trends

Both April and May data confim a 20% world trade fall [ Read all ]

Hopes for an Agreement Support the Euro

Published by Alba Di Rosa. .

Covid-19 Exchange rate Europe Euro Uncertainty Exchange rate risk Economic policy Central banks Eurozone Exchange rates

EU leaders are holding key discussions for a stimulus plan and for the future of European integration [ Read all ]