Latest news: Uncertainty
There are 200 Articles with this tag

Geo-economy of vaccines and international balances

Published by Marzia Moccia. .

Covid-19 Conjuncture Uncertainty IMF Global economic trends

With the availability of the new SARS-CoV-2 vaccine, China has rapidly become the second largest supplier to low-income economies [ Read all ]

The Strength of Israeli Shekel

Published by Alba Di Rosa. .

Covid-19 Exchange rate Uncertainty Exchange rate risk Central banks Exchange rates

After a prolonged period of relstive stability in 2021, thanks to the central bank's action, since the beginning of October we can see the start of a new phase of strengthening [ Read all ]

New Twist in Turkey (and Tailwind for Safe Haven Currencies)

Published by Alba Di Rosa. .

Exchange rate Dollar Emerging markets Turkish lira Uncertainty Oil Central banks IMF Exchange rates

Once again this week, Turkey takes center stage in the currency scene. Broadening our view, strong currencies capture the attention of analysts as well as investors' preferences. [ Read all ]

Commodity Prices and Inflationary Pressures

Published by Simone Zambelli. .

Macroeconomic analysis United States of America Uncertainty Central banks Eurozone Internationalisation tools

Are we heading for a structural increase in inflation? An analysis of European import data [ Read all ]

The Monetary Policy Week

Published by Alba Di Rosa. .

Exchange rate Dollar Euro United States of America Uncertainty Exchange rate risk Central banks Exchange rates

General stability of interest rates for developed countries, while the FED opens the door to tapering; Norway bucks the trend [ Read all ]

Focus United States: The Fed Stalls on Tapering

Published by Gloria Zambelli. .

Covid-19 Exchange rate Macroeconomic analysis Dollar Euro Uncertainty Central banks Exchange rates

Last week, international observers were focused on the highly anticipated annual symposium held by the Federal Reserve in Jackson Hole [ Read all ]

Lebanon kneeling: what prospects for the country and the Lira?

Published by Gloria Zambelli. .

Exchange rate Macroeconomic analysis Dollar Uncertainty IMF Exchange rates

Il cambio di governo concede un attimo di respiro al collasso della lira libanese sul mercato nero, ma la crisi è ancora lontana da essere superata [ Read all ]

Focus United State: the deficit factor on dollar expectations

Published by Gloria Zambelli. .

Exchange rate Great Recession Macroeconomic analysis Dollar Euro Trade balance Uncertainty Exchange rate risk Central banks Foreign market analysis

Analysis of the effects of the US trade deficit on medium-term exchange rate expectations [ Read all ]

Emerging Focus: South African Rand Changing Direction

Published by Gloria Zambelli. .

Covid-19 Africa Exchange rate Dollar Uncertainty Exchange rates

Dopo un prolungato periodo di apprezzamento, la valuta sudafricana riflette le preoccupazioni dei mercati sulle tensione nel Paese e il raforrzamento del dollaro [ Read all ]

Dollar and "Emerging" currencies: two sides of a coin

Published by Gloria Zambelli. .

Dollar Mexican peso Russian rouble Brazilian real Uncertainty Central banks Exchange rates

Il deprezzamento del dollaro si sta riflettendo sull’apprezzamento delle valute dei paesi emergenti [ Read all ]