Latest news: United States of America
There are 157 Articles with this tag

How to export to the USA: a guide

Published by Marianna Siani. .

Food&Beverage United States of America International marketing

Us market offers several opportunities for European companies, but it requires a specific know-how. [ Read all ]

The favorable evolution of EU sales on the US market

Published by Marcello Antonioni. .

Intermediate goods Industrial equipment Conjuncture Consumption pattern United States of America Global economic trends

In the fourth quarter of 2018, the US import of goods from the EU area, denominated in euros, reached a new high point, exceeding - for the first time - 110 billion euros (411 Bn € on annual basis). [ Read all ]

Brexit chaos and weakness in the Eurozone

Published by Alba Di Rosa. .

Exchange rate Dollar Euro United States of America Exchange rates

The pound hasn't been penalized by the latest developments in the Brexit maze. [ Read all ]

Ceramic tiles: the emerging competition of Luxury Vinyl Tiles (LVTs)

Published by Marcello Antonioni. .

Home items Siulisse Industries Consumption pattern United States of America International marketing

In the flooring industry, the emerging growth of Luxury Vinyl Tiles, to the detriment of Ceramic Tiles [ Read all ]

Imbalances in US and China foreign trade

Published by Luigi Bidoia. .

Asia United States of America Foreign market analysis

The story of the largest imbalance in the trade balance between two countries [ Read all ]

The commercial truce between the US and China

Published by Marzia Moccia. .

Asia Conjuncture United States of America Global economic trends

The objectives and possible scenarios for the agreement signed in Buenos Aires. [ Read all ]

The most competitive economies in the world

Published by Luigi Bidoia. .

Internationalisation United States of America News from the world

Human capital, reactivity, flexibility, resilience, transparency and innovation are the key factors of competitiveness. [ Read all ]

Final agreement G20 2018

Published by Marzia Moccia. .

Asia United States of America News from the world

The ratified agreement establishes the need to reform the WTO. [ Read all ]

Usa, Cina e il WTO

Published by Marzia Moccia. .

Importexport United States of America News from the world

Come la disputa commerciale tra le due superpotenze potrebbe riformare il WTO [ Read all ]

Stabilità sul mercato dei cambi

Published by Alba Di Rosa. .

Exchange rate Europe Dollar Euro United States of America Exchange rates

Dollaro, euro e sterlina confermano le dinamiche degli ultimi mesi [ Read all ]