Latest news: International marketing
Sono presenti 8 articoli con questo tag

Dried Plum is Making A Comeback

Pubblicato da Luigi Bidoia. .

International marketing Foreign markets Competitor analysis International Marketing

Global demand increases in 2020, but not for Californian producers [ leggi tutto ]

The strong impact of Covid-19 on America

Pubblicato da Marcello Antonioni. .

Uncertainty International marketing Conjuncture Check performance International Marketing

Deep Fall of US Exports in Q2-2020: -29.5% y-o-y in $. Quarterly values returned - for the first time in last decade - below $300 billion (compared with $415 billion in 2019). [ leggi tutto ]

Internationalization and Digitalization

Pubblicato da Marcello Antonioni. .

SME Planning International marketing Internationalisation Importexport Foreign markets Export markets Digital Export

From unbundling to differentiation-based globalization: which opportunities for SMEs? [ leggi tutto ]

Export Checkup: preparatory activity for internationalization planning

Pubblicato da Marzia Moccia. .

SME Planning International marketing Internationalisation Importexport Foreign markets Bestpractice International Marketing

The relevance of the Export Readiness evaluation for the definition of target markets [ leggi tutto ]

Remote Management of Foreign Customers

Pubblicato da Valerio Ronci. .

SME Planning International marketing Internationalisation Foreign markets Digital Export

New ICT technologies allow Small or Medium-sized enterprises to put the customer at the centre of their business activities. [ leggi tutto ]

Protectionism or Free Trade?

Pubblicato da Giulio Grisanti. .

International marketing Global demand Foreign markets Conjuncture Foreign Market Analysis

Countries showed different reactions to the crisis of the multilateral approach promoted by WTO [ leggi tutto ]

Trade imbalances and multilateralism

Pubblicato da Giulio Grisanti. .

Macroeconomic analysis International marketing Internationalisation Free trade agreements Economic policy Global Economic Trends

Which countries have benefited from multilateralism and what are the reasons for trade imbalances? [ leggi tutto ]

How to Succeed in Foreign Markets: Tools and Methods for SMEs

Pubblicato da Marcello Antonioni. .

SME Planning International marketing Internationalisation Bestpractice Internationalization Tools

ExportPlanning's Approach: integrated phases in a single process [ leggi tutto ]