Latest news: United States of America
Sono presenti 25 articoli con questo tag

US Exports Trends: Q1-2021 Figures

Pubblicato da Gloria Zambelli. .

United States of America Trade balance Importexport Fashion Automotive Global Economic Trends

Although US exports of several industries are close to pre-pandemic levels, the upsurge of the virus is still penalizing Fashion and Automotive industries [ leggi tutto ]

Consumption Patterns in the Aftermath of Covid-19

Pubblicato da Lorenzo Fontanelli. .

United States of America Total goods SME Import Global Economic Trends

Trade data show differences in US import performance as changes in consumption unfold [ leggi tutto ]

The Impact of Tariffs on US Alcoholic Beverages

Pubblicato da Gloria Zambelli. .

United States of America Trade war Importexport Food&Beverage Global Economic Trends

The ongoing tariff war with the EU and the UK has significantly penalized alcoholic beverages, leading to cuts in both imports and exports [ leggi tutto ]

A Glance at American Meat Exports

Pubblicato da Lorenzo Fontanelli. .

United States of America Foreign markets Export markets Consumption pattern Foreign Market Analysis

US meat continues to look attractive to global consumers. In 2020, pork exports showed a record 17% increase. [ leggi tutto ]

The Constant Growth of Dairy Exports

Pubblicato da Gloria Zambelli. .

United States of America NAFTA Global demand Food&Beverage Foreign Market Analysis

Driven by Chinese demand, foreign sales of US dairy products grow for the fourth consecutive year [ leggi tutto ]

US Foreign Trade in Sports Equipment: an Overview

Pubblicato da Lorenzo Fontanelli. .

United States of America Importexport Export markets Global Economic Trends

Exports of sporting products are evolving, as the industry undergoes structural changes [ leggi tutto ]

Advanced Technology Products: a Snapshot of US Trade

Pubblicato da Gloria Zambelli. .

United States of America Trade balance Importexport Export markets Economic policy Check performance Foreign Market Analysis

Despite the renowned US strength in the field of technological advancement, the trade balance of the segment has undergone a significant deterioration over the last years [ leggi tutto ]

Environmental Goods: Challenges and Opportunities for US Foreign Trade

Pubblicato da Lorenzo Fontanelli. .

United States of America Total goods SME Global demand Foreign markets Export markets Consumption pattern Global Economic Trends

Green products show a marked heterogeneity in their export performance; in the field of e-vehicles, the EU market represents a growing reality. [ leggi tutto ]

A record year for US Soybeans

Pubblicato da Lorenzo Fontanelli. .

United States of America Trade war Importexport Global Economic Trends

China's purchases of soybeans keep US agricultural exports afloat [ leggi tutto ]

The potential of SMEs in US foreign trade

Pubblicato da Gloria Zambelli. .

United States of America Trade balance SME Export markets Bestpractice Global Economic Trends

Althought the majority of US exporting companies are SMEs, in terms of exports values large companies dominate international trade [ leggi tutto ]