There are 518 ExportPlanning News
BPER ESTERO MAGAZINE - Le determinanti della competitività economica: Italia e USA a confronto May 10, 2019
Un'analisi comparativa basata sul Global Competitiveness Report, redatto annualmente del World Economic Forum. >>Leggi l'articolo
EXPORTPLANNING: updated the "MarketBarometer" data for the 1st quarter of 2019 (pre-estimates) May 9, 2019
MarketBarometer allows real-time assessment of results on foreign markets, using the performance of the major competitor countries as benchmarks. >>Go to the tool
EXPORTPLANNING-Market Research: updated the "Monetary and financial indicators" datamart [April2019] May 7, 2019
Updates of monetary and financial monthly indicators (Exchange Rates, Stock Exchanghes, Int. Reserves) for 152 countries. >>Go to Analytics tool!
EXPORTPLANNING-MarketResearch-Analytics: updated "Annual Production and Demand" datamart May 7, 2019
Updated the datamart containing an estimate of the Production and Apparent Consumption of each product, for all the countries considered. Go to the Datamart
EXPORTPLANNING-MarketResearch: world trade forecast update available to 2022 May 6, 2019
Based on the World Economic Outlook forecast scenario of the April 2019 International Monetary Fund. Go to the Forecast datamart
EXPORTPLANNING - Market Research: available world trade data for Q1-2019 (pre-estimates) May 6, 2019
Access for all registered users is free up to the Industry level (UL20) of the Ulisse Product classification. >> Go to the Analytics tool
EXPORTPLANNING-Analytics:Ulisse Datamart updated (Annual Bilateral Flows by Price ranges) May 6, 2019
The international trade datamart update is available for 152 countries, 22 industries, 220 sectors and over 3000 products. Go to the Ulisse Datamart
BPER ESTERO MAGAZINE - Terre rare alla base delle competitività cinese May 4, 2019
Grazie al monopolio nelle terre rare, la Cina ha conquistato una posizione dominante nelle produzioni high-tech. >>Leggi l'articolo
BPER ESTERO MAGAZINE - Le esportazioni italiane verso gli Stati USA May 3, 2019
New York, New Jersey, California e Texas, i quattro Stati americani che assorbono la maggior parte delle esportazioni italiane. >>Leggi l'articolo
EXPORTPLANNING - Market Research: "EU Countries" Datamart updated to Q1-2019 (pre-estimates) May 3, 2019
For registered users, access to the service is free for the "Total goods" and UL20 ("industries") of the Ulisse classification. >>Go to the Analytics tool