There are 518 ExportPlanning News
EXPORTPLANNING - Market Research: available US trade data for Q1-2019 (pre-estimates) May 3, 2019
Access for all registered users is free up to the Industry level (UL20) of the Ulisse Product classification. >> Go to the Analytics tool
EXPORTPLANNING-MarketSelection&Research: updated the Forecast Scenario with the new IMF's data (WEO) April 16, 2019
Macro information updated for the 152 countries of the Ulisse classification. Access is free to all registered users >> Go to the Datamart
BPER ESTERO MAGAZINE - Free trade agreements: l’attivismo UE nel mondo April 16, 2019
Attualmente in vigore accordi di libero scambio tra l’UE e 36 paesi del mondo; in corso negoziati con altri 21 paesi. >>Leggi l'articolo
BPER ESTERO MAGAZINE - Investimenti esteri e sviluppo economico: il caso della Tunisia April 15, 2019
La Tunisia da anni beneficia di IDE in entrata: ad oggi oltre 3000 imprese straniere fanno base stabile nel paese. >>Leggi l'articolo
BPER ESTERO MAGAZINE - Il mercato mondiale dei mobili di qualità April 5, 2019
Le imprese italiane si presentano al Salone Internazionale del Mobile forti di una consolidata leadership a livello mondiale. >>Leggi l'articolo
EXPORTPLANNING-Market Research: Analytics-New Datamart "Foreign Direct Investment" (1990-2017) April 5, 2019
For 152 countries the annual historical series from 1990 to 2017 of FDI Inwards and Outwards, measured in terms of Flows and Stocks. >>Access Datamart
EXPORTPLANNING-Market Research: updated the "Monetary and financial indicators" datamart [March2019] April 4, 2019
Updates of monetary and financial monthly indicators (Exchange Rates, Stock Exchanghes, Int. Reserves) for 152 countries. >>Go to Analytics tool!
BPER ESTERO MAGAZINE- Belt and Road Initiative: quali vantaggi per le imprese italiane? April 2, 2019
L'Italia, 4° paese europeo per valore di merci esportate in Cina, presenta ampi spazi di miglioramento soprattutto nella fascia alta. >>Leggi l'articolo
ExportPlanning Video for ACIMIT: EU Textile Industry - Germany's leadership in Technical Fabrics March 27, 2019
Germany: high potential market for technology suppliers, in a rapidly expanding sector. >>Watch the animation
EXPORTPLANNING - Int'l Bus. Plan Checklist: to support the preparation of the Int'l Business Plan March 19, 2019
To keep trace of the activities useful for writing up an International Business Plan. Access for all registered users is free. >> Go to the new tool!