Latest news: Bestpractice
There are 59 Articles with this tag

Watches, smartphones or smartwatches

Published by Luigi Bidoia. .

Premium price Fashion Bestpractice International marketing

The Swiss defence from smartphones and smartwatches invasion [ Read all ]

Maneggiare con cura

Published by Luigi Bidoia. .

Bestpractice Internationalisation Foreign markets Foreign market analysis

Doing business: una informazione utile alla conoscenza dei mercati esteri, ma partendo dalle misure che lo compongono. [ Read all ]

Real or passive internationalization?

Published by Marzia Moccia. .

Premium price Planning Bestpractice Internationalisation Export International marketing

The anlysis of the kitchen hoods sector lets us show the advantages of the strategic approach [ Read all ]

L’eccellenza competitiva delle piastrelle italiane

Published by Luigi Bidoia. .

Premium price Bestpractice Global demand International marketing

Le piastrelle italiane sembrano immuni dai forti cambiamenti in atto nelle fasce basse di prezzo del mercato mondiale [ Read all ]

Ecommerce: un trend in forte ascesa

Published by Annalisa Vignoli. .

Bestpractice Internationalisation International marketing

Il valore dell’export digitale Made in Italy sale a 10 miliardi di euro [ Read all ]

Internationalization: the cost of strategic analysis

Published by Luigi Bidoia. .

Bestpractice Export Internationalisation tools

Strategic analysis certainly has an immediate cost. Avoiding this expense can lead to much higher costs in the medium term. [ Read all ]

Supporto al marketing internazionale nei settori di Meccanica Varia

Published by Marcello Antonioni. .

Premium price Siulisse Bestpractice Marketselection Metal industry International marketing

Un approccio "data-driven" di scelta mercati per allocare in maniera efficiente le risorse e rafforzare l'efficacia di proposta delle PMI italiane. [ Read all ]

Strategic trust-based alliances: naive or strategic approach?

Published by Marzia Moccia. .

Bestpractice Internationalisation SME International marketing

An example of Market Entry Strategy for knowledge-based Industries [ Read all ]

Il successo delle calzature della Val Vibrata sul ricco mercato svizzero

Published by Luigi Bidoia. .

Regional export Bestpractice Export International marketing

La strategia di focalizzazione sul mercato svizzero premia le calzature della Val Vibrata rispetto a quelle del vicino distretto marchigiano. [ Read all ]