Latest news: Emerging markets
There are 125 Articles with this tag

Central Banks to the Rescue, Again

Published by Alba Di Rosa. .

Exchange rate Dollar Emerging markets United States of America Uncertainty Exchange rate risk Economic policy Central banks Eurozone Exchange rates

Massive monetary and fiscal policy measures aimed at countering the Covid emergency are beginning to take effect, partially calming market volatility. [ Read all ]

Watchword: QE

Published by Alba Di Rosa. .

Exchange rate Europe Dollar Emerging markets United States of America Uncertainty Exchange rate risk Central banks Eurozone Exchange rates

Expansionary monetary policy helps to reassure the markets. Emerging markets currencies and USD are poles apart. [ Read all ]

Central Banks Take the Field: Will it be Enough?

Published by Alba Di Rosa. .

Exchange rate Emerging markets Mexican peso United States of America Russian rouble Brazilian real Uncertainty Exchange rate risk Central banks Eurozone Exchange rates

Coronavirus financial effects penalize EM currencies; in the meantime, Western central banks decide to strike. [ Read all ]

Coronavirus fears weigh on Asian currencies

Published by Alba Di Rosa. .

Exchange rate Asia Emerging markets Uncertainty Exchange rate risk Central banks Exchange rates

It’s not just the yuan: knock-on effect for ASEAN countries facing the brunt of the contagion risk [ Read all ]

Thai Baht: Pulling the Brake

Published by Alba Di Rosa. .

Exchange rate Asia Emerging markets Trade balance Uncertainty Exchange rate risk Central banks Exchange rates

Worries over economic competitiveness and Coronavirus effect impact on the currency. [ Read all ]

Turkish Lira: a Fragile Balance

Published by Alba Di Rosa. .

Exchange rate Emerging markets Turkish lira Exchange rate risk Central banks Exchange rates

Negative real interest rates try to boost the country's competitiveness; exchange rate stability is at stake. [ Read all ]

India’s growth slowdown

Published by Alba Di Rosa. .

Slowdown Exchange rate Asia Emerging markets Exchange rate risk Central banks Exchange rates

Moody's changed its outlook on the Government of India from stable to negative [ Read all ]

Highest potential markets: a look towards 2021

Published by Giulio Grisanti. .

Asia Conjuncture Emerging markets Forecast South-east Asia Global economic trends

In the 2020-2021 period ASEAN countries - Vietnam first - will offer the major opportunities [ Read all ]