Latest news: Emerging markets
There are 125 Articles with this tag

Covid Crisis and Philippine Peso

Published by Alba Di Rosa. .

Covid-19 Exchange rate Emerging markets Trade balance Uncertainty Exchange rate risk Economic policy Central banks South-east Asia Exchange rates

The Philippine peso is one of the few currencies that showed an appreciation greater than 1% against the dollar in the first half of 2020 [ Read all ]

The March of the Epidemic in Brazil: What Prospects for the Real?

Published by Alba Di Rosa. .

Exchange rate Emerging markets Latin America Brazilian real Uncertainty Exchange rate risk Central banks Exchange rates

Political tensions and health risk keep the real under pressure, in spite of some signs of the beginning of a turnaround. [ Read all ]

Bank of Russia’s parachute shields the rouble

Published by Alba Di Rosa. .

Exchange rate Emerging markets Russian rouble Exchange rate risk Oil Central banks Exchange rates

New mechanisms put in place by the Russian central bank to reduce the dependence of the rouble on the price of oil are proving effective in the aftermath of the Covid shock. [ Read all ]

The Thai Baht’s Turnaround

Published by Alba Di Rosa. .

Exchange rate Asia Emerging markets Trade balance Uncertainty South-east Asia Exchange rates

The Covid-19 epidemic has inverted the long appreciation trend of the baht, but the economy is expected to weather the storm. [ Read all ]

Turkish Lira on a Slippery Slope

Published by Alba Di Rosa. .

Exchange rate Emerging markets Turkish lira Uncertainty Central banks Exchange rates

The Covid epidemic could bring Turkey on the brink of a new currency crisis [ Read all ]

The new EU-Mexico trade agreement

Published by Marzia Moccia. .

Europe Emerging markets Latin America Export markets Foreign markets International marketing

The total removing of the existing tariffs and the recognition of European geographical indications are substantial elements of the new agreement [ Read all ]

EM currencies and Covid crisis: the case of South Africa

Published by Alba Di Rosa. .

Africa Exchange rate Emerging markets Uncertainty Exchange rate risk Exchange rates

South Africa's fragile fiscal position worsens the outlook of its currency. [ Read all ]