Latest news: Internationalisation
There are 122 Articles with this tag

How Companies grow Resilience amid Covid-19 Pandemic

Published by Rina Villaruel. .

Internationalisation Great Lockdown SME Export International marketing International marketing

The transformations imposed by the pandemic require an acceleration to the digitalization process of SMEs' marketing strategies [ Read all ]

From 4Ps to 7Ps: Towards an Integrated Marketing Mix

Published by Lukasz Sramkowski. .

Planning Bestpractice Internationalisation International marketing International marketing

As technology advances, market dynamics have changed. How to update and integrate the Marketing Mix theory? [ Read all ]

Marketing Mix for different businesses: B2B vs B2C

Published by Lukasz Sramkowski. .

Planning Internationalisation International marketing International marketing

Looking into differences of B2B and B2C Marketing Mix [ Read all ]

Access2Markets: tips for consultants

Published by Matteo Olivieri. .

Planning Internationalisation International marketing Market Accessibility

Tips for an effective use of the European Commission's Access2Markets portal [ Read all ]

Supporting the Internationalization of SMEs: Marketing Mix

Published by Rina Villaruel. .

Planning Internationalisation International marketing International marketing

A well defined marketing mix could be a key for SMEs to explore international markets [ Read all ]

EU Investment Goods Exports in 2020: Widespread Falls, but less Pronounced than in 2009

Published by Marcello Antonioni. .

Metal industry Internationalisation Great Lockdown Conjuncture Global economic trends

Average declines between 10 and 15 percentage points; exceptions from ITC Tools and Services (-1.4%) and Agricultural Equipment (-2.8%) [ Read all ]

Export Manager: an increasingly Complex Profession that requires New Training Methods

Published by Matteo Olivieri. .

Planning Internationalisation International marketing Internationalisation tools

An example of a training course that combines tools, method, and field experience [ Read all ]

How to Use ExportPlanning in the Planning Process

Published by Valerio Ronci. .

Planning Bestpractice Internationalisation Internationalisation tools

A case study in the field of hair care products [ Read all ]

How to Select a Target Market

Published by Pierantonio Gallu. .

Internationalisation Foreign markets Internationalisation tools

Using ExportPlanning for the analysis and the choice of target markets in an internationalization strategy: a case study [ Read all ]